DIY Video Projector

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... although I will admitt that the thread is somewhat bloated, and the newbie questions on stuff covered in depth long ago is annoying.

Maybe closing the thread will force people to write a definitive FAQ or at least post on for specific threads.

I still don't see the point in closing the thread, but I'm not blind to the threads shortcomings either.

EDIT: *GASP * I can only imagine the newbie questions on a new thread! The horror! Someone write a FAQ quick!
laser light source

i don't know if this has been covered or not, i searched through the thread and didn't see anything referring to it directly, but what if one were to use a white laser and two scanning/rotating mirrors to direct the light through the panel? is laser light polarized? i'm thinking combine the light of the laser projector with the color/contrast from the lcd projector.

Thanks to everyone.

I would like to thank everyone that has actively contributed to this thread. I have been following it since the beginning, and I agree with Vince. He had the insight and ingenuity to get this thing going, so it is only fitting that he brings it to an end.

The only practical way to search the thread now is by using the "show printable version" link and Ctrl-f searching. This is in itself cumbersome to say the least...a single thread is NOT an effective way of discussing the various aspects of this project.

So let the website wars begin! It looks like many of you have done some impressive work so far. I look forward to following everyone's progress.

If anyone needs to get in touch with me about the project, my email is . Good luck to everyone, and thanks for giving me something to play with for the last 6 months! :cool:

Legacy data...

Shutting down the thread means
A) no new posts
b) it's gone for good ?

I hope it's only A). It'd be a shame to lose the info that's already been collected.

Granted, culling some of the more recent "off topic" posts might be considered good housekeeping, but who am I to say...

Thanks to all contributors. I'm hot on the heels of maklar and undream, but I'll have to find a different venue to gloat about my success or cry over my failure.


(Oh, these are the Daves I know, I know, these are the Daves I know...)

Well I have been watching my big screen for about 3 hours and I dont think I need the low-e glass between the light and the fresnal lens. The lens is staying very cool the fan and vent on top seem to be getting the job done. The projected image is about three times as bright as it was on the dukane 680. I am so proud of my project it cost $300 and took about 12 hours to build. If I watch it 8 hours a day every day I will have to buy a new $25 bulb in 3.5 years thats 10,000 hours, half the bulbs actul life but over time it does lose light output so thats why I will get one sooner. I hope everyone has as much luck as I have had and I will be sad to see this thread die :( it has been the most helpfull part of my project. Last night I had a dream about my next one, I want to make it about the same size as this one but make it stand on end so its tall but for a case I want to find an old grandfather clock or something like that to make it hidden. Well I guess I bid thee farewell.
new forum

will someone make a new forum so we can all move over there and continue this. i
am getting close and would like a place to still get help and offer advice (if i have any
that would help). i have also thought about copying the "printable version" to a text
file for reference through my project if this thread gets deleted.
Re: Umm ?

Marklar said:
Am I the only one that thinks "Hey why don't someone start a new thread"?

funny, but that's the same thing i thought... it's the end of a thread, not a forum :)

Start a new thread called DIY Video Projector Part II

Thanks vince for keeping it open this long :)
Though i think a new thread should have been start a post 100 :) hehe

anywho, very informative thread for sure. congrats to those who have completed there projects. It's not the end, it's the end of this thread. :)
Joined 2000
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There may have been some miscommunication but I can assure you that the thread is not going to 'dissapear' or go anywhere. That would be a really (rooolly?) stupid thing to do.

If it's agreed that closing the thread (which means "the thread does not accept new posts anymore") will result in people starting multiple "on topic" threads and everyone will benefit from it, then that may be what happens.

An index to this thread has been already been created. Hang tight a few days.

In the meantime, business as usual. The commitment to keeping Video alive and well on diyAudio is only getting stronger and stronger as each day passes.
Thanks One And All

Hey folks...

Been reading this threading continuely for just under a year now, posted a few times back in the day but ive been broke, studying and not really able to get my hands on the necessary equipment needed to start up until recently....

Just wanted to add my 2pence and say thanks everyone for posting and putting forward there ideas, I'm sure there's more than enough information here to give anyone the helping hand that they need to get going, i know it's helped me...

Wherever the next thread pops up I'll be there and this time posting what i've been doing

Keep up the good work, Congratulation to all who have succeeded and good luck to all those striving to succeed.

Thanks everyone

best regards

John Forrest
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Thanks One And All


Please re-read what I wrote slowly.


I think the thread should be readable when closed, if that is possible, I don't know. If Jason says it is, then excellent.

If you at least close this long, redundant thread, you have somewhere to start searching for data on the subject.

Start a new one and try to keep it compressed.

I think there should be a thread for those who have completed a DIY projector project with a couple of pics and parts lists, dimensions, etc. It seems that many readers are looking for a place to jump in and start, without all the extra research.

A project like this needs some order.

Make the next thread better than this one!

Joined 2000
Paid Member
Well I was going to ask Vince to open the next thread but in retrospect I think that it is probably very fitting that he closes this one, and you guys starts the next, fresh one.

Congratulations to everyone who participated and stuck with it through the thick and thin.

<a href="">A Mk II thread has already been started</a>, and I hope that it represents a fresh and positive new phase for the projector project.

An index for this thread has already been created, is being finalised, and will become part of the <a href="">Video WikiWeb</a>. Hopefully it will offer the next thread a fantastic reference from which a high quality product will result. You have my full support in the creation of whatever infrastructure is needed to help create the ultimate projector.

Much respect,

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