diyAB Amp - The "Honey Badger"

Well I dumped the badger orginal so it's just from memory.
Many highlights of great designers that's about it and discoverys.
But you could try one if you want.Try this Ips mod a little on your 600W monster if nothing else.

Anatech is more specialist on this honey badger than I am.
So is Terry, ygveous, many others.

Jeff you may need to build one too.
Build guide was made follow it. Go to a friend with oscilloscope, signal generator, you'll figure it out.
Build guide was made follow it. Go to a friend with oscilloscope, signal generator, you'll figure it out. Or a shop with gear, show them the build guide. To get a second opinion. Or goto a academy they probably do repair jobs. As a did.
Use ltspice too after all it's a proven design you'll master it pretty quick. I'm not sure if the designer was a licensed ltspice user ask variac. As you propablly know without a certified license, simulation is likely to go wrong.
But I thrust you are a handy guy with time. Put pcb traces + power supply in simulation to get better results real results.
EITHER WAY enjoy the amp.
ROCK 5.8mV / 26.36mA on the one transistor, inspect that one I suggest.
Might be one of the reason the bias jumps suddenly.
Pot trimmer is useful, don't use a screwdriver that grounds you at same time.

Try to turn pot slightly, is the difference bigger in %
on the 5.8mV vs the rest output transistors.

Matching transistors, many don't on this topic, issues on that elsewhere.

1 more cup of coffee, grumpy goes away!

Have a good day, I might get grumpy in the evening :)
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I actually bought some HB boards a few weeks ago and was planning on getting started on this build. Just last night I just got my hands on cheap and broken Sony TA-N80ES.

Should I fix and do a complete recap on the Sony or continue with the HB build? Is the HB and better performing amplifier? I supposed I can do both, fix the Sony and build the HB but one of those projects would have to be put on the back-burner for a while. For now I'd like to work on the project that will give me the best performance.

Thanks guys.
I actually bought some HB boards a few weeks ago and was planning on getting started on this build. Just last night I just got my hands on cheap and broken Sony TA-N80ES.

Should I fix and do a complete recap on the Sony or continue with the HB build? Is the HB and better performing amplifier? I supposed I can do both, fix the Sony and build the HB but one of those projects would have to be put on the back-burner for a while. For now I'd like to work on the project that will give me the best performance.

Thanks guys.

The HoneyBadger is a very good amp. I have no experience with that Sony, but I would be surprised if it would come close to a well built HoneyBadger. I'd suggest to give birth to the HoneyBadger first.
Maximum Voltage?

Hello, I have decided to build a couple honey badgers for home and work.

I have a couple donor heatsinks/xfrmrs from some 1600W Bass amplifier heads. The heatsinks are HUGE.

The transformers have a 60V HT winding which should yield 80V+ rails.

How do I determine the maximum possible voltage for this circuit, or any SS circuit? I deal with tube amps every day where there is much less ambiguity on voltage.

Is it just a matter of proper heatsinking, correct bias, and using high voltage transistors? Is there anything I should change right of the bat?

I am not absolutely set on using those transformers, but I sure would like to, and for my situation more power is certainly not a problem. :)

Thanks for your time
^yes, something like this....with 9 pairs of outputs....+-85 volts rails, uses the MJL4201/4381 output pairs...


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