diyAudio Logo Competition

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Hello everyone!
I'm very happy to meet this forum, i'm sure it is a great found to me!

I saw your logo contest, this isn't to the contest, i didn't see the rules, i just have done something, I liked and decided to share, made in a 15mins. right after i met this forum!



  • logo template - logo_13.jpg
    logo template - logo_13.jpg
    29.3 KB · Views: 502
Is the contest still running?

I was wondering if the contest was still running?
I have joined your post and am starting to build my own projector.
And wanted to give back to you guys for helping me out.
I build and program websites for a living, and am very good with photoshop and be glad to enter a few logos into the running.

Joined 2001
Paid Member
Re: Is the contest still running?

drewish said:
I was wondering if the contest was still running?

Yes -- it is sort of open ended... as everyone spurrs everyone else on, the examples get better (looks like i might have to build a whole page for Ropie's examples).

I'm the official "tender" for this... things are coasting a bit right now as i work to get the roof/reno done on my house and move back in.

I've lost any enthusiasm about the project becuz there is no deadline.

They are waiting until the right logo shows up I guess, but because they are not giving any feedback why they don't like any of the submissions I've done, I can't give them anything else.

Since there is no deadline, there is no competition. It has been boooooring for about three months now.

There was a really healthy posting of stuff here about 3 months ago, but it petered out when everybody got tired of how open-ended it was.
>> They are waiting until the right logo shows up I guess

There is always the risk for the people who set a design competition that they won't like any of the submissions, but that is the price to be paid for being able to attract such a lot of potential entrants ;) Of course there is the option to pick a winner and then get them to modify the design slightly (within reason); then again a lot of professional design competitions announce a winner whose winning idea is never actually used at all :(

I'm not suggesting that any of the above will happen here but I think that the competition element would benefit from a definitive end-date, Dave, or atleast a date when you will announce round two, though I can appreciate the work involved in rebuilding a house!

I had noticed the entries drying up and as I had just finished a big project at work I have had a bit of spare time, but I can't keep posting at this rate (I'm running out of ideas apart from anything else :smash: )
Sch3mat1c said:
Mmm, about 16 more red and green? Just guessing...
No, just normal brain fade around 2am.

Struggling to attach the graphic, that I had unceremoniously flogged from the top of the page seconds earlier, I discovered that pressing return in the filename field actually posts the message (sounds like the beginning of a bad novel). I couldn't edit the message to take out Mr "w", nor could I remember what I had started to write, so there he stays.

Out on a limb of my mind.

Anyway, I like the existing logo just fine!
You were right the first time, it is lighter (giving the false impression that I tried to do something useful).

It did end up in photoshop for a while because the png wouldn't attach, saved as GIF.

A printscreen of the original next to 'my' one measures differently, but comparing values in the PNG and GIF shows no difference. Colour profiles I guess. It's kind of a pain actually, as scores of web designers must have discovered some time ago.

Now I feel dumb so I'd better at least do something, see if this attaches...


  • adsillylogo.gif
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