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Dear kp93300:
Could you please remove this iso board, and check the sound again see if hiss still appearing ?

Hi peterpopo,
I power the input segment of the iso7240 by another power power supply with 4.7 V dc . the hiss disappeared and sound quite nice in my test speaker but there is intermittent dropout that may be due to cold joint. will troubleshoot after work tonight.
i think the 3.3 v from the amanero combo board is not enough to power the isolator.

I redo the joints and the intermittent drop out persisted.
Could the drop out due to intermittent unlocking of the i2s signal ?
Any suggestions anyone ?
Have anybody use this isolator successfully with the Buffalo 2 dac ?
I may populate the other board at a later date if there is no other suggestions .
I redo the joints and the intermittent drop out persisted.
Could the drop out due to intermittent unlocking of the i2s signal ?
Any suggestions anyone ?
Have anybody use this isolator successfully with the Buffalo 2 dac ?
I may populate the other board at a later date if there is no other suggestions .

I have tried the IL715 before with no negative effects in my setup: Experiments with NVE IL715 Isolator | H i F i D U I N O
Hi some news
Finished my board, I've soldered all parts as mentionned in Post#1.
The Amanero stick works fine, but used with the isolator it gives no sound :(
I've missed something, but don't know what ?
Do I need to supply 3.3v ?
I've populated U2 & U3, do both chips needed to be removed.
Thank you for your help.



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