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The current firmware of the 768k PCB is only enabled and tested for usb to i2s 768k and DSD512/1024*

Enable 768k from the official firmware requires 45/49 clock and unique optimization and it can not be done by user following the official xmos programming guide normally.

For ADC->I2S->USB usage, the multichannel xmos pcb using 22/24 clock should be the choice for most people, but it is only upto 384k. User can follow the port map and uses the onboard full size XSYS connector to program the xmos with their customized firmware to add any feature and function by following the xmos programming guide.
This seems like it might be the perfect USB reciever I have been looking for. Plan to interface with a TI PCM1863 ADC and a PCM5242 DAC. DimDim, can you confirm that you get both an input and an output under recording devices and playback devices respectively in Windows? I only need stereo in and out for now.
Yes, I can confirm that.


I have in fact done simultaneous playback and recording in Windows 10 64bit. But you will have to slave the ADC to the XMOS.
Hi Dimdim,

How does this board handle the I2S interface clocking?
Can it receive an external master clock?

Further can the I2S interface be easily isolated and reclocked?

I am trying to see if i can use this with an ESS9018 multichannel DAC board which can operate in synchronous mode
AFAIK with the firmware that comes with the board there is no way for it to receive an external MCLK. You have to use it pretty much as-is.

I suspect that XMOS provides the tools necessary for creating a custom firmware that could support external MCLK, but I also suspect that actually making such a firmware would not be easy.

Isolation & reclocking should not be a problem. We are talking about standard I2S lines.
I’m still a novice regarding the digital side of audio, however I came across this application note for interfacing high speed ADCs with xCORE devices, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwje49LtoJ_MAhWqC8AKHWBhD2wQFggdMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.xmos.com%2Fdownload%2Fprivate%2FAN01021%253A-Interfacing-High-Speed-ADCs-with-xCORE(1.0.1rc3).pdf&usg=AFQjCNEYkzA1-hBAAToQXYnupmN_SyxrCA&sig2=slnd5rhqYgGtyD8Rb3f1ig&cad=rja
Which would suggest that it can receive an external clock frequent of 100Mhz and output this to slave the ESS9018. Just dont aks me how :)