DLH Amplifier: The trilogy with PLH and JLH amps

diyAudio Chief Moderator
Joined 2002
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Sort je ne parle pas anglais .quand je clique sur chercher un tableau apparaît dès que je tape les premières lettres il disparaît aussitôt. J ai essayé avec un autre téléphone c est pareil .je n ai pas d ordinateur .en tout cas merci pour ta reponse

"I do not speak English. When I click on search a table appears as soon as I type the first letters it disappears immediately. I tried with another phone is the same. I do not have a computer. Anyway thank you for your answer"

Our forum software is due to be updated in the near future. See if by size stretching that area on the phone's screen the template could stabilize. Maybe also try a straight Google search.

You can't be posting in other language than English in this international forum as it is one of our rules. But you can use a translation service first, copy, and then post. Otherwise further non English posts will start being discarded from the queue. :captain:
Joined 2007
Paid Member
Jeffyoung un grand MERCI à toi pour l info grâce à toi je vais pouvoir trouver les réponses à mes nombreuses questions MERCIIIIIIIIII


English please. Further non English posts will not be approved.

Jeffyoung a big THANK YOU for the info thanks to you I will be able to find the answers to my many questions MERCIIIIIIIIIIIII
Somehow the God of Luck smile on you. A simpler solution was found. I tested a 1k8 resistor at the base of the NPN (R12 in attached schematic) helps to contain the cross conduction issue. Should be enough to protect against accidental > ~20V input. LtSpice asc included.
You should test effectiveness and impact on sonic performance.

Hugely grateful for your input. As soon as I can, I will analyze it in detail, since my mother is seriously ill and I must accompany her in that hard transition. Once again, thank you for contributing in favor of many of the members of this prestigious forum.

Best regards
Joined 2010
Paid Member
Until Diego returns to this thread, I thought I would try to keep it alive and recent.

Hugh, could you sketch or show on the schematic Indra1 attached, what you propose in post #562. I am a novice and I need to see things rather than just read them at the present moment. I have some of the pcb's that Prasi introduced, and would like to see how difficult it might be to incorporate the proposed solutions developed by Indra 1 and yourself.

Thanks for help with this,

Diego Rush Power Amp

Hi Myles,

I had a lash at it this evening; this is my take on Indra's and my own ideas.

I have not checked stability but I believe it should be fine.

It is a better HPA than power amp; the Rush Cascode is not ideal for wide headroom. But it's very fast, and intrinsically high gain.



  • DiegoRush1.gif
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Joined 2010
Paid Member
Thanks for this Hugh. I hope you are doing OK in light of the fire situation in Australia.

I am not much of a HP enthusiast at this moment, but maybe could be converted. I just thought these might make a nice small amp for some friends to hear some near field / small room audio. Maybe my friends would like an HPA instead if that makes more sense. I hope this thread continues, otherwise I will just use what is contained in the thread and start experimenting.
