Does this explain what generates gravity?

Considering that Homo sapiens have only been around for about 0.00145% of its lifetime, it may not be surprising that we have some way to go to fully understand the wonders of the Universe!

If there is a theory of something out there, we should start from the point that Einstein was right (see post #1096) and all the other predictions his theory has made that have been verified, Maxwell's EM equations and interpretations are right (after all millions of electrical machines, radio etc all work flawlessly) and QM is also right (semiconductors work as far as I know). Ethan Seagal has I believe two podcasts/articles about this (plus a recent dig at Avi Loeb - I'd love to know how that man manages to hang onto his Harvard professorship given the stuff he's putting out there). Both Carl Sagan and Richard Feynman warned about the slide into 'cargo cult' science 30 years ago.
I forget what Carl Sagan said and when, but Feynman's "Cargo Cult Science" speech was (looking at the date) 49 years ago, and many of the things he described happened many decades earlier. I've read this several times - the oil drop results and the psychology experiment stand out in my mind.
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the oil drop results

There have been instances where experimental results may have been 'selected' to match a hypothesis, and Robert Millikan's selection of his oil drop results is one example. Another, I believe, is the selection of favourable results in the first observation of the precession of Mercury's orbit.

Both of these possible 'massagings' have since been put to rest by more sophisticated experiments that have proven both hypotheses to be correct beyond reasonable doubt.
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Einstein’s GR and Maxwell’s EM equations are the most accurate in physics. Every time our measurement capability advances, the accuracy of the predictions from the equations is further confirmed.

If you put one atomic clock on the ground and move a second one around in the vicinity, the time changes in the second clock wrt the first will precisely obey the GR equations.

I will never understand ‘Einstein was wrong’ claims.

Ok, show me your equations then.
Einstein relativity: Atomic clocks accuracy.
It is true, verified h24, in GPS system over all satellites and ground stations.
One nanosecond is one foot.
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It has been a long day on the General Relativity front, at the system7 Institute for Advanced Science.

I have read 150 pages about 4D Spacetime, 4-momentum, the Metric Tensor, The Ricci Tensor and the Curvature Scalar in my new Sean Carroll Gravity book. Time for a break.

40 pages to go, but already I am formulating my ideas. I shall be telling you all about it soon. The Curvature Scalar is twice the value of that old favourite of mine the Gaussian Curvature. I would think that is a 4D thing.

Do be careful not to confuse manifolds which use intrinsic co-ordinates, from 2D surfaces embedded in 3D Space and viewed externally. This was Gauss' insight.

Gaussian Curvature.png

The Einstein deniers will eat some crow with this breaking news however.

Spaghettification by stars that foolishly wander near Black Holes like in NGC 3799 released today:

NGC 3799.jpg

It's the Tidal force ripping a star apart again. A Tidal Disruption Event.

NGC 3799 Leo.jpg

I suspect my 50mm Toy Telescope won't be able confirm it. But interesting, eh.
A Tidal Disruption Event.

A TDE occurs when a star is catapulted by gravitational perturbations directly towards a supermassive black hole.

The doomed star gets violently ripped apart in a matter of just a few hours, producing a highly energetic and luminous flare.

TDEs are rare. Astronomers estimate that a galaxy like the Milky Way has a TDE no more than once every 100,000 years.

Bonsai once furnished me with this link:


  • TDE.jpg
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I forget what Carl Sagan said and when, but Feynman's "Cargo Cult Science" speech was (looking at the date) 49 years ago, and many of the things he described happened many decades earlier. I've read this several times - the oil drop results and the psychology experiment stand out in my mind.
That’s the Feynman talk I was thinking about - didn’t realise it was as far back as 1974
This bloke is good, Relativity and time in ~40min, simple math.

They are concepts that can not be visualised by us but can be shown pictorially. The catch is observation to see if they fit. Much the same a deforming space time which so far does fit and probably will continue to.
Observations and the universe - things crop up that don't fit. We haven't been studying it in ever increasing detail for very long either. This means various ideas continue to be studied and opinions can vary.
I have just looked at this "simple math". But I do not recognize a "space-time"-dilation, but only a "frequency" compression or -dilation: "Doppler effect". A "space-time"-dilation in this case would correspond to a dilation of the coordinate system. It would have to be to be explained why the "physical events" entered into the coordinate system stretch, bend or something else the coordinate system which corresponds to the "space-time". It amazes me that supposedly seasoned "scientists" don't even know what a coordinate system is.
Also I recommend to calculate with the "speed of sound" instead of the "speed of light". The speed of light is difficult to follow, it seems;-) By using the speed of sound, no one would suspect that spacetime would be bended, warped.
Also, just replace the "moving observers" by "points". Because of me accompanied by clocks. Besides, in e.g. a system with three points only is relevant who looks at, not who moves. Because the "movement" would be - in most cases - defined only by an observer outside of the system. The observer can be put into each of the e.g. three points. The result would always be a "frequency" compression or stretching: "Doppler effect".
This mentioned outside perspective would have to be taken by the "physicist" to get out of the "box". Consequently, it is not a "physical" event to interpret a "space-time" dilation but a consequence of the limited observation and interpretation)-;
Apparently, the many changes in perspectives, including the change in the respective characteristics, are causing major problems for the majority.

It just occurs to me that RT is not only a social, political, emotional and psychological phenomenon but also a neurological one: the handling of e.g. an unimaginably high speed transferred into the very limited everyday perception (for example rooms) leads to a translation into very very large rooms which are also expanding. The RT are a gigantic playing field for sociologists, political scientists, psychologists, neurologists, emotiologists, esotericists, mathematicians... but not for physicists;-)-;
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Of course (This bloke..) Leonard Susskind is good.

A personal friend of the best Physicist (IMO) after Einstein, Richard Feynman:

Richard Feynman - If it disagrees with Experiment it is WRONG.jpg

The man who told us that if it disagrees with Experiment, it is WRONG! A wake-up moment for the Woo Mongers..

Everybody close loved Richard. I too, at a distance, was enormously influenced by Richard, because I grew up and read the first two volumes, though the third on Quantum Mechanics lost me a bit. Perhaps not my strength. I prefer Classical Mechanics. Everyone is different.

Feynman Lectures on Physics.jpg

What I am telling you, cumbb, is you might rate very highly on the Crackpot Index of Modern Physics:

Examine No. 14: 10 points for each new term you invent and use without properly defining it.

Whatever is RT?


RT is the product of the molar gas constant, R, and the temperature, T. This product is used in physics and chemistry as a scaling factor for energy values in macroscopic scale (sometimes it is used as a pseudo-unit of energy), as many processes and phenomena depend not on the energy alone, but on the ratio of energy and RT, i.e. E/RT. The SI units for RT are joules per mole (J/mol).

Why shouId I care?

My advice is to get back in the mainstream. Thunderbolts and the Electric Universe is just rubbish.
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No arguments, again;-)

RT = Relativitäts Theorien. German term of a german "scientist"-) The most do understand;-)

There are fellow human beings who should better reckon with values between 0 - 9 meters per second;-) You too;-?

You obviously do not understand "mainstream" either: majority. RT are popular, which is based on aggressive propaganda;-)

Joan Baez;-)

We've had this discussion before Galu :).

There's an interesting discussion on the Universe's homogeneity and isotropy here:


The almost symmetrical arc of galaxies spans a massive 3.3 billion light years across, a whopping 1/15th the radius of the observable Universe.

If we could see it from Earth, it would be the size of 35 full moons displayed across the sky.

The Giant Arc throws into question the standard model of cosmology, which is founded upon the assumption that matter should be more-or-less evenly distributed across space.
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