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Hi All,

In the rush to buy some components I couldn't find elswhere I ordered at Europe Audio 500EUR worth of material. I got one automatic confirmation of the order, then no reply to emails. I checked the order status online and I found out none of the products is available and no date is provided.

It was too easy to find out online that most feedback from customers are negative, with many stating products were nevere delivered.

Has anynone managed to get a refund? Unfortunately I paid through bank transfert.

Any tip is welcome,

I ordered 2 inductors and a pair of Jantzen caps oct 12th
auto comfirmation ok
paid with PP
was told about ordering time for inductors, but now they´ve been ready to ship for almost two months
caps are still pending..I got them from hificollective in 2 weeks
no response on mail for months
both phone nos I traced are not active
asked contact in NL and he´s investigating on Fb group, but so far today nobody knows anything, but hopefully one of them will go over to adress and check out physically
ordered new inductors from PartsExpress yday and they shipped today....ha-ha
if no respons soon I´ll check out options with Paypal
Hi Leif,

Sorry to hear about that.

I involved the ECC: https://www.eccnet.eu/european-consumer-centres-network. Find the one in your country, write to them will all supporting documents, and they will get in touch with the ECC office in the Netherlands who will write to Europe Audio. ECC cannot enforce the law but I guess they are pretty persuasive, I think that's what did the trick in my case .After more than 10 emails and calls unanswered I managed to get a 90% refund.

I also cancelled the delivery address from my order on their website, writing REFUND instead.

I told the owner that even if the items were to be delivered in time, I still had the right to return them within 14 days (see https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/index_en.htm) which is what I would have done, so it was in his interest to make it smooth and easy for both of us.

In one of the last email I wrote to him that I would have hired a lawyer in the Netherlands, and then he would have had to refund the paid amound plus the extra fees as he would have lost for sure any trial.

I'm now trying to get the remaining 10%, deadline I gave him is end of this week, after which I will write to the main DIY forums as well as audio component producers to raise a flag against this business which is really affecting the whole DIY audio community.

BTW, please note that DIY-HIFI.COM seems to belong to the same person as the address is the same, see here: https://diy-hifi.com/contact/, nobody is answering the phone of course.



On Thu, 16 Feb 2023 at 17:24, diyAudio <contact@mail.diyaudio.com> wrote:
leif christensen replied to a thread you are watching at diyAudio.


I ordered 2 inductors and a pair of Jantzen caps oct 12th
auto comfirmation ok
paid with PP
was told about ordering time for inductors, but now they´ve been ready to ship for almost two months
caps are still pending..I got them from hificollective in 2 weeks
no response on mail for months
both phone nos I traced are not active
asked contact in NL and he´s investigating on Fb group, but so far today nobody knows anything, but hopefully one of them will go over to adress and check out physically
ordered new inductors from PartsExpress yday and they shipped today....ha-ha
if no respons soon I´ll check out options with Paypal
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Hi all, I also in the same situation. Ordered 2 pcs Scanspeak drivers for 400 eur 2023-01-11 , deliver vas declared 5-8 days to stock, after to my country. After payment delivery date replaced to 2023-02-10, after this date - delivery date currently not yet available. Many emails to all known adresses info/salesinfo/logisctic/... Planning also to involve ECC. Ten minutes ago also changed all my address lines to REFUND. Will wait :)
Will be in touch