ExtremA, class-A strikes back?

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> Mr EUVL, you heard it, quit and get a regular electronics job, you're not suited for anything mechanics

You are absolutely right, I am only a no-brain copycat of whatever Nelson does. :)




  • X250 PCBs 2.jpg
    X250 PCBs 2.jpg
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at 40PSI, this product seems very similar to Kerafol but at a much higher premium price unfortunately...


I guess I will have to import Kerafol 82/82 190mmx190mm sheet from Conrad in Europe... Will cost a pretty penny but still cheaper than the TGX from TGlobal. Unless someone in Canada or USA has part of a Kerafol 86/82 sheet to sell?

Hi pinnocchio,
Try using decoupling capacitors. Insert it between the + and - supply voltage. Put it directly on pins predriver or power transistors (on both channels). It helped me to get rid of the oscillation.

Best regards


Hi Bohdan,

It seems like my issue was related to heat transfer from the lead of the Sanken BJTs and not an oscillation.

In any case, it is good information to take into account.

This is a picture of my extrema in experimental setup. I designed the pcb's myself looking at the schematics and pictures of the amps on the net. I like to build every part of any project myself for 100%. But big thanks to Mr. Sassen for the great design! You will notice an addition to the project. I have put a microcontroller PWM controlled buck converter in between the powersupply of the VPWR+ and VPWR-. This way the current stays constant at 4 Amps, but the wattage will drop when the voltage is lowered. Now the voltage is set at a fixed level, and the amp in stereo at the moment of writing this is taking 90 watts. But the next step is to build a balanced DAC with PCM1704's combined with a dsp that will adjust the voltage according to the music level. Result will be a sort of class A / class D combination. I will keep you updated on the project.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Very nice work dijwim!!

I was thinking of modding the psu and add a R value of .22 ohms in between the large caps for each rails for extra filtering. My amplifier is now working very nicely and sounds really good but one last little intermittent issue on the regulated FE psu... Sometimes when I have a signal already connected and playing on the amplifier and I turn it on, the regulated FE psu refuses to start... I have to turn off the amplifier and stop the signal, then power up and we're fine... This is a strange behavior of the regulated PSU. Don't know if you've encountered this?

Very nice work dijwim!!

I was thinking of modding the psu and add a R value of .22 ohms in between the large caps for each rails for extra filtering. My amplifier is now working very nicely and sounds really good but one last little intermittent issue on the regulated FE psu... Sometimes when I have a signal already connected and playing on the amplifier and I turn it on, the regulated FE psu refuses to start... I have to turn off the amplifier and stop the signal, then power up and we're fine... This is a strange behavior of the regulated PSU. Don't know if you've encountered this?


Yes I had the same issue, i solved it by placing a 47K resistor over the Collector - Emitter of T5 and T10. This helps the startup process of the FE psu.
Today I finished my DAC and DSP board to control my extrema. This weekend I will start with developing the software for the DSP that will control the powersupplyvoltage according to the audiolevel. This way I hope to create a very power efficient extrema amplifier. Below a picture of the finished board:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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