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F5 pcb group buy...

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f5- parallel advantages?

As always thank you for your input and clarification-
So if paralled channels are not the same as bridged, what is the justification?
same voltage, but twice the amperage delivery?
half the damping or double?
if no distortion cancellation advantage, worth the extra expense?
inquiring minds wanna know!
take good care
Hi Peter,
i received the boards for 2 stereo set of F5.
My music room has an ambient temperature of 24 to 30 degress C.
What is the minimum size of the heatshink for the mosfet and the rectifier?
Is it advisable to build the power supply board and house it separately ?
Can you point me to the post for the schematic of the power supply for F5 ?
Can I buy the power supply board ?

Thanks for the update Peter. I'm away and I'll be away for some time off and on for business and a short holiday so maybe I'll just send you the money and pick up when I return, or simply do both steps when I return. Whatever works for you Peter seeing as I kinda initiated the "I WANT A PS BOARD" thingy rather than P2P, hence why I still need 2 PS for the F5's. Anywho, take care and we will talk soon.
As I will receive the boards in couple days, I'm ready to start collecting payments. As before:

The F5 amp board has a scoring line and is good for two channels.

Price for two channels pcb is USD$15, paypal payment to my e-mail address posted here: http://audiosector.com/contact.asp

One channel F5 board pictured below, output devices spacing exactly as with F4 so the boards are interchangable.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The PS board is $20 and it's good for symmetrical supply in a stereo setup. If you want dual mono, you will need 2 PS boards.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The prices include shipping. All boards will be shipped by airmail, with no tracking and no insurance and I cannot assume responsibility for lost packages. If you need insurance, please add $7 to your order.

Please note that I will be away starting July 12 to Aug 4 and won't be able to process orders during that time.


  • ps1.jpg
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Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
I have your boards, and they are quite impressive, especially when looking at backside of board
But your picture of board with components, even more
I am trying to do my own boards/layout
I wont say its difficult, but also not quite as simple as it looks

Allow me a small comment at this moment

Most will probably mount the boards plane on the heatsink, which should be perfectly fine
Maybe it would be a good idea to "elevate" the boards as much as possible
So that output transistor legs are used at their full length
Heat from heatsink may not hurt as much as I have feared, but it wont hurt to try and deal with it either

Just a thought
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