Fane 12-250TC vs FC152 (15-300TC)

I have a 2 way setup at home I am very happy with.

Seems I made some error during editing, so the stress test part was not there!
Had to delete and reupload *again*...
Here's the video including stress test, you can hear clearly that the lowest of lows are just not there.

yea, something about moving the air that a bunch of cone area does.

Are you crossed to the subs ?
If so, what freq and slope ?

I know crossing the 250tc at 100hz, it took all 80 watts that my onkyo receiver that I could thow at it.
Still not the mid bass slam of double 15's running up to 750hz though.
The xo is centered at 172hz using 48db/oct Bessel filters per the Rane paper, the cheat sheet close to the bottom on the page only goes to 24db/oct.
A Bessel Filter Crossover, and Its Relation to Others

I would cross over higher up, but the membrane areas are too far from eachother. This was to be done cheap, loud and deep.
It would be better to use a single 21" and cross over higher like 4-500hz. But then it would probably be a very different speaker, probably a three way and much more expensive.
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The woofers are a couple Fane 15-400, not in production anymore.
Frequency response is very smooth, my daughter is playing games on this setup right now, but maybe I can see about doing some new sweeps later today or tomorrow.

Amp is a Img STA-2000D, best S/N ratio I could find for the money, uses Pascal power stages.

You can get the amp used but like new for about 350 euros if you shop around. Einkaufsangebote: IMG STAGELINE STA-2000D 4-Kanal PA-Digital-Verstarker schwarz
Here you go, just got some sweeps done. 5db/div 10 to 20 000hz.
Left is cyan and right is red. 1/12th octave smoothing.
This is not measured dead center a bit and a half off axis, sounds good over a wide area.
If you by some insane miracle manage to get your head in a vice exactly at 0° from both sides they are a bit hot, at 3° off axis its not a big problem.

Only reason they are rolling off under 20hz is because it's actually impossible to kill the HP filter for the subs on my dsp, otherwise it would go flat to 13hz.


  • Fane FC152+2x15-400.jpg
    Fane FC152+2x15-400.jpg
    191.4 KB · Views: 366
I see your box is around 140liters? what happens with smaller enclosure?
ex if we make a 80L box Vented BR or Sealed .
See the official Fane site specs Why do they recommend enclosure of 34 to 75 liters??


  • Fane 12 enclosure.jpg
    Fane 12 enclosure.jpg
    910.8 KB · Views: 314
  • FANE-SOVEREIGN-12250TC-DS141117 full range.pdf
    151.6 KB · Views: 73
I see your box is around 140liters?
129.996 liters internal volume.

what happens with smaller enclosure?
ex if we make a 80L box Vented BR or Sealed .
The qts is somewhat high, and the VAS is not too bad, up to 80 liters sealed should work really well for this driver. My 130 liter box is somewhat compact really, I would not make a smaller box than perhaps 120 liters if going vented, it would most likely give a peaky response and no low end.

See the official Fane site specs Why do they recommend enclosure of 34 to 75 liters??
Depends on your application. This is a PA driver, and most PA applications call for easy to carry and mount boxes for the top end, and stuff pushed around using wheels for the low end. Max output to 50-60hz seems to be the most common goal.

Are you willing to trade some max SPL for deeper extension? I am. Especially so since I can not play at max volume anyway, it's too loud!

I have not forgotten about your request for a video using the Fane 15-300TC, I've made some various recordings, but I have not had the time to sit down to sort through the stuff and put it together yet.
Yes I understand. I was looking to minimize the volume as it is for home use..
Thank you for your help.
I am interested to see about the 15". even though it is a monster.
The price is double comparing to the 12" but I will olso compare it with a 2 way 15"with horn
The most important thing is to just imagine where your speakers will be placed, then take measurements of the available space.
After you have defined accurately the dimensions of the speakers, you start looking around for suitable drivers for the specific volume.

If you have any measurements or thoughts just post them, I would be happy to help in any way.
I was thinking that it is important to find drivers for high quality sound first and then to adapt them to optimal enclosure. For hifi use has to perform this sound quality in low volume levels and the enclosure cannot be a monster. I am a fun of large drivers and I think they provide better quality comparing to small systems.
I agree on the "magic of large FR units".
But I still think the most important aspect is defining the limits of the enclosure, because it's easier to find a optimal solution if you set the base parameters first.

Enclosure size + cost largely dictates which driver to look for, then we can look at other desireable aspects if you wish.
Yes Lets try and start from minimum volum and with simple shapes and then according to what we can achieve we can go higher (I think we will not have diferent choise).
For a 15" I guess the minimum volume we can get would be 40x40x40= 64 Liters net
For a 12" 35x35x35= 43 liters net
Thank you
I do not think you understand what I meant.

Both those volumes you list are too small, except perhaps as sealed enclosures, but even then they'd be a bit small for the Fane FR's.
Are you seriously telling me you want a cube of 40 x 40 x 40 cm?
The cube you list for the 15" would maybe fit as a sealed box for the 12", the cube you list for the 12" is a bit small for these, so then I'd suggest you use that volume to make a ported enclosure for a single 8" or two 6.5".
With both these drivers the cab will need to be a certain size just due to the driver dimensions, so if you're coming from smaller drivers then you have to think about the differences etc and of course scale up. That being said I think that both the 12" and 15" can be used in a 'modest' cab design comparability to what a sealed, ported, mltl etc would need to be, especially if you have subs or ' low frequency augmenting' drivers'..

Myself I'd go for the 15" in an open bottom cab, not sealed or ported etc. Still going to be lots bigger than a bookshelf though .. It is what it is..