Fast, fun, Inexpensive OB project

Just listened to the Ultra clip on Youtube. There is no connection between the sound on that clip and what the Ultras really sound like. The clip sounds like an old, cheap transistor radio. It's gotta be the microphone used.

In real life the Ultras are nicely polished and have amazing bass. Kind of the exact opposite of that clip.

As for the inductors, the better they are the better the sound of the Ultras (or likely any speaker).
Anyone ever tried hardline 15" subs?


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My $0.02 worth

The bass trap should work as intended on any of the Manzanita configurations. Both the Peerless SLS 12" and the GFS 15" have break up nodes starting around 1,750 Hz up through around 2,400 Hz. The trap is fairly broad and not too deep by design. The Manzanita project has been active for so long now that the original production run drivers are long gone. Still assume what is being produced and sold today is close enough to the originals to benefit from the trap. J
The bass trap should work as intended on any of the Manzanita configurations. Both the Peerless SLS 12" and the GFS 15" have break up nodes starting around 1,750 Hz up through around 2,400 Hz. The trap is fairly broad and not too deep by design. The Manzanita project has been active for so long now that the original production run drivers are long gone. Still assume what is being produced and sold today is close enough to the originals to benefit from the trap. J

So what would the full crossover schematic look like with the bass trap included? Exactly where would it be placed?
So I got my parts and I couldnt wait to hear it. I knocked up a baffle (the right side only without any wings) just to listen. At first the bass was a bit muted but opened up after listening for about 3hrs. The bass is different, it has impact but there is no lingering boom, very immediate.


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Finally got a chance to finish these baffles. Was on track to make the extended front "wings" but I forgot to account for the baffle thickness. I used it anyways with a 1.5" front wing. Still have to complete a base to prevent it from tipping over , secure the crossover and paint. I found that when I change the resistor on the vifa from 9ohm to 15ohm it sounded a bit better to me.

Listening impressions. They are presently hooked up to my pc and I thought they were sounding good until i went and sit on the couch thats behind my chair. Now Wow I found the bass I was looking for. Imagine hearing alot of bass but it's so fast you cannot keep up with it. I guess this is the addictive part. I am presently running it off an audiosource 50wpc amplifier and there is a lot of volume at 3/4. I did not include the bass trap and I could detect some breakup, i plan to add it in the future together with 14 gauge inductors. The speaker can reveal poor quality recordings which I found out when playing music on youtube.

Mr John Busch thanks for sharing this build. I am most pleased with it.


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I added the bypass capacitor today and found that it was the missing bit that pulled everything together, it makes the sound more easy on the ears, before i found that i had to turn the volume up to get enjoyment out of the speakers, now it can present a clear sound at low volumes.

I plan to install the bass trap in the future, not sure how much better it can sound with it.

I used the Jantzen 1307 2.7mH 18 AWG Air Core Inductor 255-272 and after reading through this thread I am contemplating getting the 14 gauge inductors. How much difference will it make?