First ever black hole image

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The question is why it looks like a donut if it is surrounded by gas? Just because it is a projection to 2D or because image processing, like deconvolution, may emphasize (or in worst cases even create) the edges?

Most likely because the blackhole is spinning and therefore creates a disc of accretion matter around it rather than a sphere. And we're just lucky enough to be oriented in a direction to see it from 'above'
Here's a Hubble Space Telescope photograph of the jet of matter ejected from the aforesaid black hole at the centre of the Messier 87 galaxy.

The jet is at right angles to the rotating accretion disc.


  • Messier 87 Jet.jpg
    Messier 87 Jet.jpg
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Once they understand what? The relativity theory?
Once the general public "understands" that it's a "computer image generated from radio waves" (and not a "photographic" image) it'll be quite a few news cycles down the road.
This black hole is 50 million light years away and huge.
Indeed, a popular and scientifically literate Internet artist has generated this image to show the black hole's size relative to objects around the Earth:


xkcd: M87 Black Hole Size Comparison
En smultring, eeeen smultring, det er et hull med mat omkriiiing!
Og er det ingen mat omkring, da er det ingen smult-e-riiiiing.
En smultring, en smultring, det er et hull med mat omkring!

Smult = Lard
Ring = Ring *duh*

Loosely translated to make it rhyme:
A donut, a donut, it's a hole with food about!
And if there is no food about, then it's not a donut.
A donut, a donut, it's a hole with food about!
Joined 2003
Paid Member
That’s an absolute monster. Hard to visualize the size of the thing. The jet of gas and high energy particles shooting out the middle (at right angles to the accretion disc) is about 4000 light years long IIRC.

I don’t see the problem radio telescopes to image objects like this - there’s a big array in South Africa (‘meerKAT) that’s imaged the centre of our galaxy and has captured the giant filaments (2-3 LY in diameter and hundreds of LY long) that surround a lot of black holes. All they are doing here is looking at a part of the EM spectrum that you can’t see with your eyes, which is a very, very small part of it.

Here the image An astounding image of the massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy, courtesy of Africa's new super telescope
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I know a donut when I see one, Polish or not. :D
Pah... Proper doughnuts don't have a hole in them. They are oblate spheroids with a core of jam...
I like Pączki. One of coworkers at my previous company is from Poland and he brought some for holiday treat. Good stuff! :lickface: It's similar to Krispy Kreme jelly filled doughnut but with chewy dough.
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