FirstWatt J2

I would have no problem buying a used one, especially in japan...the land of well cared for personal items. The only thing that would possibly need replacing are the psu caps and there are so many places in Tokyo to get that done...or at least there were 15 years ago when I lived in Tokyo. I have friends running a record shop near Shibuya...They can provide some info on repair/service places if you need it.

But the caps should be good for another 10 years or so. The caps in my DIY F5 were made in 1996!
Thank you!
That's what makes them sound good.

Burn-in for these suckers is to light a $100 bill, blow it out so it's only smouldering, and then gently smoke the JFET over it for several hours. You may need a second $100 bill if it burns too fast....


Well... these days, I no longer smoke anything controlled, or illegal. :cheerful: Ya, I found them for $129 or more from a couple trusted, but man that feels a bit mercenary. I got four 4 92 per.

I know market value, but it's all Papas' fault! :whip: The audacity of the man to make awesome amps and wait until the parts are unobtainium to release the schematics! Me thinks Papa bought these all up years ago and is slowly selling them back to the market... sly like a fox that one is.... He found a way to still make coin while appearing altruistic. :cool:

Comon Papa, this one deserves a smirk at least. :p

Seriously, thanks for all you who have, and do help promote this forum, it does not go unnoticed, but the only oral you get will is via posting. I don't care, ya got to draw the line somewhere!

Yes, there may have been a glass or two of single malt involved in this post. :rolleyes:

Five emoticon post.. Ya may three.

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If you have the choice building a "J2" using 120R100 vs. 120R125 what would be recommended? …...will it be almost "same same"?

I would/am going with the former, but Papa makes remarks about your very question in the thread below, check post 3.


The quote is thus:

"In practice there is very little difference between the R100 and
R125 versions for our applications. I get just about the same
numbers in the J2's with either part."

I am in for a quad of 2SK3497 in the group buy ….so the plan is to use these for the CCS and then either R100 or R125 as the output transistor.

Don't know why I ended here…...just built the M2X.....and then I got a set of the "long skinny PCBs".....and now I have almost all parts for the J2 amp......and with choice of R100 or R125 (big problem!).