Foam Core Board Speaker Enclosures?

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Interesting path this thread has taken.

You guys got Cal all worked up. :)

This hot melt stuff really is for manly men... There I was, there I was, in the jungles of FC, deep behind speaker enclosure plan lines when the hot globs of glue were whizzing by shrapnel from mortar. I knew that I had to make a run for it, it was dangerous but that last curved channel had to be glued. So I pulled the trigger and laid a hot bead onto the panel and smoothed it with my bare finger until it was raw to the bone.
You guys got Cal all worked up. :)
That'll cost you, trust me. ;)
and smoothed it with my bare finger until it was raw to the bone.
Listen up guys. Even my honey made sense once when I saw her in a pair of shoes obviously not meant for human feet, she said: "You have to sacrifice comfort for results"

Ever since then it was gloves off for hot glue.
Ya, so what are you doing here in the diy aka, building part of this hobby. Shouldn't you be out rosin up your bow or something?

No rosin/bow here - just a little "M"-oil on the slide.:rolleyes: Been doing both for +50 years - and having a ball. ;)

Vifa MTM - 1992
Sunfire Sub Clone - 2010
Conn 8H - forever - 1957

Just waiting for X to post the plans for a FC Steinway. :D


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F3 - Very clever:D - Played 88H (bass) for a few years and could shake the house on the low notes with that one.

That's a rope plant hanger for a very nice fern that dried up because I spent all my attention on building speakers. :sigh:

Not very manly Cal, but I had a large collection of "Art Baskets" at one time. Just a few have survived. Kinda like the LA Ram's Fearsome Foursome Rosey Greir and his needle point :D:D:D
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I have a dirty little secret to tell. I used to be a hooker in my younger days. See, Mom never got a daughter, so as the younger of two sons, I was subjected to some of the more traditional female activities. Now, cooking turned out to be rather handy, same with laundry etc but crocheting only ever got me a hard to defend nickname at school.
Funny you should mention - In the fifth grade I was embarrassed to learn I won the contest to name the most sewing materials/cloths. My mother put food on the table as a seamstress, and if you wanted to talk to her it was usually in the sewing room.. Yesterday I was free-handing a cut on a piece of fiberglass for a BA-3 amp chassis, and laughed to myself that I was using the exact same eye-hand techniques (no room to clamp on a fence) she perfected for those long seams on clothing.

It's the craft - be it Klipschorns, Corvettes, Souffles or doilies - enjoying the work and getting good at it rules.

P.S. Just sent a PM to Dr. Phill for help getting this thread back on topic.:D


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