Foam Core Board Speaker Enclosures?

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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Sometimes I like to wander around looking at things to get a new idea. I was in the shop when this one came to me. Guess what I was doing?

No, I wasn't watching Southpark. :)

How does this thing you saw sound? Certainly, the curvy cabinet can be made in FC. I think until folks actually try to make a curved wall with FC, they will not realize how easy it is and how liberating it is to be freed from designing cabinets with rectilinear walls. It really is shift in cabinet construction mindset. Front horns should also be something we keep an open mid for as there are substantial gains to be had with a front horn. A tractrix profile can be easily made. I need to finish mine and post results...
It is a horn from Tom Danley, compact in size compared to the expansion. Part of the multi driver Pro setups from Danley that act as a point source.
More in this thread:


Maybe you could make a very compact line array with them?
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I am still trying to wrap my head around that one and how it may be adapted to foam core. I see a concern with panel flex that way maybe?

Probably :D but you wanted a challenge :p.

Paraline front with cornu backside? I honestly don't know how low a paraline with a small full range would go though. But it is an interesting horn/waveguide.
The inside channels are very small so it might just work with foam board. It's just a stack of different shapes as seen in the picture...

Look at the thread I linked for some home brews...
I am still trying to wrap my head around that one and how it may be adapted to foam core. I see a concern with panel flex that way maybe?

I would advise against foam core for a paraline. There are some very high pressures generated near the throat, and the panel opposite the throat is not well supported. It has to be rigid.

How about a Smith horn? It has built-in spacers / stiffeners and has been done in polystyrene sheet.
I know how you feel....
I have been looking for the next big cool design to cut some foam and make speakers again but haven't quite found anything yet.

Here is an idea I have been working on in my head for some time now. A double layer Cornu with each layer tuned to a different fb. I think I would make a 28 inch x 3 in deep in the back side for lower bass and a 18 in x 2.5 in in front for higher bass, use a 4 in driver like a Tang Band W4 1337 SDF bamboo paper. You can rotate the front Cornu 45 deg on its axis so that it looks like a diamond resting against the back one. The front and back Cornus share a common middle panel with a hole in it. I think this will allow it to have a smoother freq response to overcome the big peak around 150 Hz.

Additional tuning can be done to augment either on of the Cornus by making the final mouths also open up and out like a brimmed hat that curves up. The ability for the foam core to up is key. This can get you about 3x more gain in the bass for the bigger one in back or for the one in front.

There it is. The double Cornu with a twist.


I tried designing something like this about a month ago. The idea was more of a bookshelf sized speaker 12"x12"x5.5" with two internal serpentine paths of different lengths, side by side. The size was picked to fit into a USPS flat rate mailer. The problem was that the tuning just couldn't go any lower than 160hz or so (the horns ended up tuned to about 160 and 200hz) with the limited size. Scaled up with a better horn length, the bass response could be impressive. Maybe a larger 5 or 6" driver and four or five different tuned horn lengths?
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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pats on the back for xrk971

I have to give many thanks to XRK971 for some of his foamcore box designs.

I used his Vifa FIB enclosure for fun set of speakers for the kitchen. The Mrs. highly approved when I came up with putting a print on the front. Found a 36"x24" print and split it down the middle and then cropped the top and bottom to fit.

I am amazed how they sound! Great low's for a 3" and they blend in so nicely. I laugh when the friends walk in with a confused look on their face wondering where all that sound is coming from.

Thanks again X


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I also used his 30"x20" mltl design by split it in 2. Same speaker for the set up and then I let the boys each bust out the markers for some 7 and 10 year old artwork.

It's gift for my mother for her new arts and crafts room back home. They also sound great. The imaging of the little speakers is so nice.

I hooked them up to a lepai 2020 but couldn't give it to ma stock, so I disguised it in an old puzzle box. Now it will blend right in on her art shelves.

Kudos to X! Fun boxes to build and I didn't even have to start the furnace in the garage.


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