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★★ Free PCB for JLH 2005 Class-A Amplifier

Just a suggestion.
Can you check whether any of the pins of the mje15003 is touching the heatsink.
I use heatshrink on the pins



I found the error. The BD139 was shorted. :) Both old and new design now working flawlessly :-D

EDIT: BTW Siliconray, i got some 2SC5200 / 2sa1943 from a NAD laying around, do you know if i could try them out on one of the sets? Do you know how they sound in class a, if possible :p
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her is one. drop C3 if VR1 is 200 ohm


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Siliconray, i am happy to tell you that i've completed 3 sets of this amplifier now and a friend is working on his now. Today we got wood for the cases for the rest of them, but here is one i've put into a 3U Modushop case:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

The other two i'm planning on inserting into some homemade wood cases and using heatsinks from some inferior amplifiers that now is sleeping with the fishes. (Nad's. We fix them at work all the time). Here is a pic of one that's done but with the 69 version of JLH:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

And here is one i'm building right now with the newly aquired wooden pieces:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

My next journey will be to build a JLH class a headphone amp, i noticed you sold kits for one, right? Do you also supply the casing and the trafo on the pictures? :)
JHL is in home. Here's another project built for an Kwait customer using the same enclosure and heatsink. It's also 10W class A, using 6N8P+MOSFET hybrid amplifier board. The heatsink is a little over killed for this amp, but no harm for using it.


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I have 4 big toroid transformer which were disassemblyed fron an US made auido equipment, like new. They are 110V and usless for me. I would like to send it to those who want to buy JLH amplifier full kit + Power supply for free

This transformer is ideeeeeeal for Stereo JLH power amplifier (for US and canada DIYers). Spec:

Power: >150W
output1: 24-17-0-17-24
output2: 8V
weight: 2kg

Only 4 available, only one for one person.
Plus $25 for air shipping. PM me if you have interest.


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JLH amps

Hi SiliconRay.

I have just placed two more orders for the JLH amps and PSU. Got the first lot from you, and should have requested first batch with 2n3055. Reason being I'm going to be using MJ802 transistors in any case.

Help me with something else please; I have very little electronics knowledge - I can assemble and do basic trouble shooting - but how does one test to match the output transistors. I have about 40 MJ802s so have a whole bash to choose from.

Thanks, Kevin.

BTW great website - I'll get around to a tube SE amp one day. Will post pics of JLH amps when done.
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