Full Range EQ

Power supply is 24v. RCRC reduces it just a bit. I don't have any input on reasonable substitutions, but the necessary transistors come with the board.

I opted to finish mine "breadboard" style. I added little rubber feet and it will sit behind my preamp.
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After a few days of listening, these little wonder boards are awesome! I've been using my TangBand 1772 speakers in a 40L vented enclosure for several years. I've been fiddling with an external speaker-level crossover on and off during this time and have made some improvements to the rising top end and the enormous hump from 7-10k, but it never sounded quite right to me. With Nelson's EQ board, I was able to dial things in with much more precision, add a little bass, and now I have a flatter response plot without the nasty 7-10k hump.

This had definitely increased my enjoyment of these speakers! Thank you, Nelson!
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