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GB for F6 Convertible Clone boards

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F6 with primrose transfos

just thought I'd show how the primrose transformers look like with the teabags's f6 boards. These are fully potted.



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MLyctic caps: are rated 15 000 uF at 35V. They were sourced from parts cnxn about 2 years ago. unfortunately, they are no longer available. I always try to use them for my high-end builds. They were originally for an F5 but I ended up using 33000 uF to fit the pd psu boards. I like better Teabags psu boards. Alot better quality I find.

Rectifier,: using ixys bridges for the F5 and I am sinking them since they do get hot. Not sure for the mur's although I tried them on the F5 and they did get hot . Sinks may be an overkill.

primrose: rated at 2 x 18v @ 300 vac. they weigh 2.8 Kg according to sumR spec sheet. I get 19.4 V off-load but they should attain 18v with the amps connected. rated at 8.35 A per 18v winding.

note: there's a GB for the primrose currently brought to us by buzzford ( no pun inteneded , thankz buzzford!)

hope this answers everything.
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unfortunately, they are no longer available.

Yeah, thought so... the new ones are a bit larger and rated at 40V.

But why two PSU boards? And two transformers? Going fully dual mono?

Also, when you get the chance... can you please let us know the physical dimensions of the transformers? Trying to see if I can cram a fully dual mono in the chassis I have.
Actually, the group-buy is brought to you by buzzforb (not sure what the pun was, but anyway...)
But I believe it is ending either this week or next.


primrose: rated at 2 x 18v @ 300 vac. they weigh 2.8 Kg according to sumR spec sheet. I get 19.4 V off-load but they should attain 18v with the amps connected. rated at 8.35 A per 18v winding.

note: there's a GB for the primrose currently brought to us by buzzford ( no pun inteneded , thankz buzzford!)

hope this answers everything.
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