Geddes on Waveguides

It's named "mensink" (my last name).

Unfortunately Earl's polar app doesn't show 360°, so any speaker that performs good in the frontal half comes out as a "winner". Hypercardioid, anyone?

I'm wondering how the Nathan 10ca can have such a high DI at low frequencies?



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My waveguides are at least as good as the JBL stuff, but without diffraction slots.

JMLC are not low HOM and they do not have a flat DI.

I don't know where you get your comparisons sometimes.
Having listened to some JBL stuff, i can't say I have encountered anything I would personally want to own, but lots of their reseaserch certainly trigger lots of ideas.
You should let people decide themselves what they find practical or not. Doing structural changes to their rooms and/or attaching absorbers to walls is most often not an option, so a speaker that addresses those response problems I was talking about is more practical, even if it makes the speaker expensive.
I think Earl is plainly addressing his design trade off consideration. There are different design constrains. For example, size and form factor, and placement are usually the important design factors for an average home, that sort of limits what you can do because low frequency directivity.
Fuzzy smoothed polar plots tell nothing about preservation of phase relationships across radiating area. 500Hz to about 5kHz. In case of crossover point about 1kHz, behavior of drivers 1/2 octave or so about this point have impact on clarity. Apparent smoothness of frequency response alone just doesn't yield much beyond Toole's observations of listener preference for flatter response and wider coverage.

Conical waveguide with big radius opening may radiate nicely, but 10-12" driver at 1kHz-1.5kHz has diffraction issues much greater than 5.25"-6" driver, leading to non uniform phase behavior off axis, leading to room reflections that yield poor cues to perceptual system.

Griesinger's work applied to small listening spaces instead of concert halls has many details to be worked out.

Two divergent drivers in same bandwidth are perfect emulation of bad diffraction problem.

If you don't understand then it must be your fault. ;)

Well, if the signal is already corrupted, then the receiver isn't necessarily faulty ;)

By the way, what's up with the strange DI plot at low frequencies for some of the newer data sets in your polar app?

By the way, my first set of New Summas are going to Switzerland. Maybe you can arrange to hear them once they get there. The guy is a Physician so he can afford them I guess.

Which city?
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To an American everywhere in Switzerland would be "in the neighborhood". Isn't the whole country smaller than Michigan?

I think that I said that the DI below the 200-300 Hz point is based on data taken near field and as such is not always correct for the technique that I use to calculate DI. I have had trouble getting a 0 dB DI at LFs to match with the DI above 200-300 Hz and sometimes the software does not produce such a good match. Above 200-300 Hz the shape of the DI is very good, but its actual value could be off by the same amount that the LF DI is off from 0. I don't use the DI data so much for its absolute value as I do to insure that there are no DI aberrations through the crossover. The absolute value of the DI is not important in that case, only the shape matters.
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To an American everywhere in Switzerland would be "in the neighborhood". Isn't the whole country smaller than Michigan?

The country is probably smaller than any US midsize SUV. Nevertheless there are 4 different languages in Switzerland.

I think that I said that the DI below the 200-300 Hz point is based on data taken near field and as such is not always correct for the technique that I use to calculate DI. I have had trouble getting a 0 dB DI at LFs to match with the DI above 200-300 Hz and sometimes the software does not produce such a good match. Above 200-300 Hz the shape of the DI is very good, but its actual value could be off by the same amount that the LF DI is off from 0. I don't use the DI data so much for its absolute value as I do to insure that there are no DI aberrations through the crossover. The absolute value of the DI is not important in that case, only the shape matters.

Err, the shape matters? You show a DI that simply doesn't reflect reality.
Contract Out The Building


The fact is that I just do not find any flaws in my system when I compare to any other that I have heard. If I did then I would truly be interested in improving it. There were a bunch of my customers who went to RMAF and none of them found anything that they thought I should be doing.

Actually consulting has always been the better option for me and still is. I have two clients in patent cases and they pay well without the hard work (and no audiophile nonsense to deal with.) I am mostly just tired of cutting, sanding and painting - that's not why I went to school. (That and at 63 dirty work just does not appeal to me.) There is some interest in someone taking over the work and I will likely still make the new Summa (at an outrageous price of course) as I recently got an order for a pair of new ones of those. But the lower priced stuff is just not worth my time and trouble. Kind of statement about the whole industry actually. There are two kinds of audio products - mega bucks and Best Buy sales. Anything in the middle lacks a sound business case.

You can 'farm' all that out.

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That leaves you with only marketing & sales, plus maybe some leads for additional consulting assignments as well. If your products are as flawless as you claim, then that effort should be a 'cake-walk' for you.


Fuzzy smoothed polar plots tell nothing about preservation of phase relationships across radiating area. 500Hz to about 5kHz. In case of crossover point about 1kHz, behavior of drivers 1/2 octave or so about this point have impact on clarity. Apparent smoothness of frequency response alone just doesn't yield much beyond Toole's observations of listener preference for flatter response and wider coverage.

Conical waveguide with big radius opening may radiate nicely, but 10-12" driver at 1kHz-1.5kHz has diffraction issues much greater than 5.25"-6" driver, leading to non uniform phase behavior off axis, leading to room reflections that yield poor cues to perceptual system.

Griesinger's work applied to small listening spaces instead of concert halls has many details to be worked out.

There is absolutely no evidence out there that the phase response of reflections has any impact on perception. In fact there is little connection between frequency response and reflections other than broad response variation of reflections impacting their apparent level.

Read the Soren Bech papers where he simulated a speaker in a typical room by creating all the reflections of a typical room in an anechoic chamber. In the first generation of his tests he used a generic polar curve to define the level of each reflection. In the second study he used the particular true frequency response based on the angle of response originating each reflection, some of which had large holes due to crossover effects. At angles where big response holes occurred the reflection simply needed to be raised an appropriate amount to match the previous study values.

The phase shift of a reflection has many cycles of rotation compared to the preceeding direct response. The notion that we can detect some added differential shift in later reflections is pretty far fetched.

We need to be careful that we don't let audiophile idealism create requirements that are unjustified. We do not hear all the individual reflections that come at us from the room's surfaces. To think that a loudspeaker needs perfect response at every angle so that the reflections are equally perfect, is not supported by any study. Only the strongest and earliest reflections are part of perceived frequency response, but in an aggregate manner, not individually.

David S.
Although I am a proponent of constant or at least smoothly changing directivity, I do agree with David.

Barleywater said:
Conical waveguide with big radius opening may radiate nicely, but 10-12" driver at 1kHz-1.5kHz has diffraction issues much greater than 5.25"-6" driver, leading to non uniform phase behavior off axis, leading to room reflections that yield poor cues to perceptual system.

I'm not sure if I interpret correctly.
The off-axis response of a beaming driver is still minimum phase (as long as it doesn't break up heavily). You can see the membrane as a collection of an infinite number of point sources. Their responses add up and the negative interference you get off-axis is what causes driver directivity. Our hearing sums the responses of all point sources, so we hear it as a single source. So all you really have to do, is look at the response curves. As long as they are nice and smooth off-axis, there's not much to worry about.
We need to be careful that we don't let audiophile idealism create requirements that are unjustified. We do not hear all the individual reflections that come at us from the room's surfaces. To think that a loudspeaker needs perfect response at every angle so that the reflections are equally perfect, is not supported by any study. Only the strongest and earliest reflections are part of perceived frequency response, but in an aggregate manner, not individually.

I agree. More important is probably delay, angle and level of reflections.

One could even argue that spectral similarity of direct sound and reflection is detrimental because it gets harder for our hearing to make the distinction between reflection and second sound source. The latter creating a new phantom source in combination with the direct sound (when delay of the reflection is small and level is high).
One could even argue that spectral similarity of direct sound and reflection is detrimental because it gets harder for our hearing to make the distinction between reflection and second sound source.

Not much data to support that.

Early, strong reflections are the issue, its not some absolute. The earlier they are and the stronger they are the more that they affect the image so "minimizing" them is the goal. Phase has nothing to do with the problem. Beyond 10 ms or so they are all good, although vertical ones do not appear to do much good or bad at longer delays.

However, tests by Olive suggest that the frequency response of the reverberant field is a factor and many of the comments here would imply that it is not a factor. The reverberant field needs to be smooth and comparable to the direct field or it will "color" the total response.