Geddes on Waveguides

Low order distortion is not audible for music. maybe it is for pure tones, but thats not a "realistic" test.

I'd generally agree with this, and yet - someone like Nelson Pass who has spent the better part of his life "playing" with this facet in in his amplifiers, does find a certain character that is imparted to music reproduction.

Basically I believe that for most you can't reliably identify a difference under normal use (.. which is a bit different from not actually being able to hear the difference), but for some - they seemed to have *learned* to be able to reliably identify a difference.
No crossovers would be best, except thats not possible.

The ear is the most accute from 1 kHz to 6 kHz. So if I have to have a crossover I don't want it in this range. I'd much rather do one at 800 Hz than be forced to have two, especially if one of those is between 1 kHz and 6 kHz. So since I CAN reach from 800 Hz to 16 kHz with no degradation, this seems to me to be the optimum.

Our ears acuteness peaks at about 2 -3 kHz - the worst possible place to put a crossover.

If using FIR filters with sharp slopes and constant phase then 1.6khz would seem to be the most interesting point to put a crossover at:

In the absence of phase aberrations I suppose "accurate" could be reduced to "sensitive", and aberrations caused by sharp FIR filters (sharp level discontinuities and ringing off-axis if directivity is not perfectly matched and drivers not geometrically aligned) would be less noticeable at 1.6khz than at 800hz (or even 500Hz).
It comes from a paper by Brian Moore in the AES where he studied the audibility of group delay and found that the ears sensitivity to this peaked at 2 kHz. It dropped quickly below 1 kHz and above something like 6 kHz.
The ear is most sensitive to group delay at 2Khz ? Yes, I'll give you that. However does that mean the group delay of typical crossovers of 4th order or less exceed the threshold of group delay detectability even at this sensitive frequency ? Not that I've seen.

If you have a reference that says that the group delay of a 2nd or 4th order L-R exceeds the threshold of detectability at 2Khz that would help your argument. (Note: I still agree that 2Khz is probably the worst possible crossover frequency, but largely for reasons other than group delay)
We know that the ear is most sensitive to SPL levels around 3 kHz. There was also a recent ASA paper on what constitutes an annoying sound - like nails on a chalk board - and found that it was sounds in the range of 2-5 kHz that we are most annoyed by.
The chalk board study, which I linked to recently in another thread actually said very specifically that the annoying frequency range was between 2Khz and 4Khz, not 2Khz and 5Khz, so unless there were two different studies you're mis-remembering the result.

Most who have listened to tone sweeps at moderate to high levels will not be surprised - there is always that part of the spectrum where we wince as the tone passes no matter what speakers are being tested. I seem to be someone who is particularly sensitive to sounds like scraped chalk boards and metal potato mashers scraping on metal pots. (Just thinking about that noise is making my skin prickle)

I think the takeaway from that study is that for speakers to avoid annoying you like a scraped chalk board, flatness of response through that critical region is absolutely crucial, and no response peaks can be allowed between 2-4Khz, even narrow band ones. Also important is that peaks don't form off axis despite a flat on-axis response, which means taking care of diffraction and directivity, as well as ensuring good phase tracking if there is a nearby crossover...
Does this mean that everything is most sensitive in this range - no, but I know of no data that says otherwise.
You keep speaking of "most sensitive" but are you referring to absolute sensitivity, which is indeed highest at 3Khz, or do you really mean "sensitivity to errors". EG it could be argued that the ear is more sensitive to variations in the response at some frequencies than others.
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At the recent Australian Hifi show, one of the best speakers was a Cabasse point source 4 way coaxial with a DSP crossover. The most recent speaker I have built is a point source coax horn which has CD performance all the way down to below 300 Hz. Then it crosses to an offset woofer near the Shroeder frequency. There is a crossover at 900 Hz and 230 Hz. So to me this issue is meaningful!
I think you mis-understand me.

What I was basically saying is that your hypothetical situation eliminated almost every important drawback of crossovers, so your question boiled down to "if I eliminate everything that makes a crossover bad, will it still be bad" ? :D

Mosts of the bad side effects of a crossover are not a result of the low pass and high pass transfer functions, (if done well) but due to non-coincident drivers. Make the drivers coaxial and the vast majority of differences that separate an actual point source full range driver and a multi-way system evaporate. In nearly all ways that matter the crossover ceases to be a problem.

Remember too that a dual cone full range driver is often thought of as a single driver with no crossovers, but the reality is that it is a 2 way coaxial driver with a mechanical crossover between the cones which just happens to share a common voice coil. This is readily demonstrated by looking at the excess phase and excess group delay curves which look very much like a 2nd order crossover. Does this matter ? If the response is smooth and the cones are concentric to form a point source, I say no. Same thing if it was a discrete coaxial driver with an electrical crossover.
My interest in GD has increased after a demo in which a DSP crossover switched GD correction in and out with an instant switch. Frequency response was matched in both profiles fairly closely, a demo set up by a friend with a digital active system. The difference was quite surprising, including both the bass and a significant change in the size of the sound stage. It was enough for me to want to set up another demo and look into it further.
Frequency response was only matched "fairly closely?". Not close enough then to draw any conclusions, as seemingly small frequency response variations can be significantly audible. Have you re-done the test with frequency response matched exactly ?
Simon, remember that speakers in which a horn is crossed to a cone midwoofer usually have some extra group-delay due to the fact that the acoustic centers are usually not aligned. In my speaker the acoustic center of the tweeter is about 11.3 cm behind that of the midwoofer. The combined group-delay of the crossover and the off-set tweeter is about 0.6 ms just above the 1khz crossover point. According to Blauert and Laws the threshold of audibility is 2 ms.
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You keep speaking of "most sensitive" but are you referring to absolute sensitivity, which is indeed highest at 3Khz, or do you really mean "sensitivity to errors". EG it could be argued that the ear is more sensitive to variations in the response at some frequencies than others.

I should, and have used the term "acute" because that is more what I mean. Errors in this frequency range are very audible, more so than lower in frequency. Since a crossover is always an error, it should not be in this range.

When I refer to group delay I am not specifically refering to crossovers. For eample diffraction has group delay as do HOMs in horns and waveguides. These are the things that I am more concerned with because our sensitivity (re. acuteness) rises with rising SPL and they will become audible at higher SPL. This tends to be interpreted as "distortion", which of course it is, but its linear.
I should, and have used the term "acute" because that is more what I mean. Errors in this frequency range are very audible, more so than lower in frequency. Since a crossover is always an error, it should not be in this range.

Maybe I have more confidence in my abilities in crossover design but I have never thought of excluding crossover points from any part of the audible range. The tools are available, and many people now have the skills, to design a crossover that is imperceptable in terms of the axial combined response. By that I mean that you can easily achieve crossover smoothness to a level where the usual driver and cabinet related response issues cause much greater error. On axis the crossover would be undetectable.

Now if we move to off axis curves we can achieve equally good response over a range of lateral off axis positions (assuming a vertical stack of units), again over a pretty wide angular range.

Yes, moving vertically will reveal the crossover point, as would measuring power response where a power dip will generally occur at each crossover. Still, I don't think a little restriction in listening position is out of the question and I'm sure you will agree since you design products with position restrictions as well (e.g. no listening on the horn's axis).

If this still bothers you then coaxial units are available (watch out for unintended response issues). I've also had good luck designing symmetrical arrays with fairly invisible crossover points in the vertical direction.

What remains as a clue to crossover point might be phase issues, but I'd agree with the consensus that typical crossover slopes give errors below thresholds of audibility. In my experience crossovers cause a fairly gradual phase transition from driver to driver.

Are we creating a problem where one doesn't exist?

David S.
Coaxial is not a solution because the waveguides are too small to be effective. It is the unavoidable lobing at the crossover that is the problem and without coax, which, as I said, is more of a problem than a solution, you will always have an uneven power response at the crossover. It is unavoidable.

The polars of the B&C 8CXN51 look pretty impressive:

The bigger ones (12"/15") don't behave too bad around XO. The waveguide looks pretty big.
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Simon, remember that speakers in which a horn is crossed to a cone midwoofer usually have some extra group-delay due to the fact that the acoustic centers are usually not aligned. In my speaker the acoustic center of the tweeter is about 11.3 cm behind that of the midwoofer. The combined group-delay of the crossover and the off-set tweeter is about 0.6 ms just above the 1khz crossover point. According to Blauert and Laws the threshold of audibility is 2 ms.

If anything that helps my argument. Often when people obsess over group delay of crossovers in multi-way designs they forget the fact that non aligned acoustic centres can generate more group delay than the actual filter transfer functions.

In the case of a coaxial design with closely aligned acoustic centre the only excess group delay left will be a very small amount from the crossover transfer function itself.

0.6ms is a lot compared to what you might find on a more closely time aligned system.

Out of interest I opened up a couple of measurements of my speakers to look at the excess group delay. The full range driver measured by itself (which is dual cone) has a maximum excess group delay peak of 0.115ms at 5.6Khz, which is where the mechanical crossover between cones occurs.

Shift in excess group delay between midrange and high treble (eg on either side of the mechanical crossover) is very minimal, with the midrange being delayed by 0.004ms relative to treble, suggesting that the effective acoustic centres of the two cones are aligned to within 1.7mm, which is pretty amazing.

(This is not always the case with dual cone drivers, on another model I've measured (Fostex FE207E) the treble is 0.023ms delayed relative to the midrange, which is an error of 7.9mm in the acoustic centres)

Audible group delay ? I doubt it.

Then I looked at the speaker as a whole - same full range driver as midbass crossed to the tweeter at 4Khz, 18dB octave. The tweeter is currently around 25mm further ahead than being acoustically aligned.

Maximum excess group delay occurs at 3.5Khz and is 0.171ms. Higher than the mechanical crossover of the driver, but not by much. Group delay of the midrange relative to treble is 0.08ms which corresponds to a distance error of about 27mm, which agrees very closely with the acoustic centre offset of the drivers.

Is a 0.171ms maximum excess group delay peak at 3.5Khz audible ? Is the 0.08ms offset between midrange and treble audible ? I've been thinking about changing the crossover to a 4th order L/R (acoustic) response and moving the tweeter back the 27mm to bring them into time alignement - this will eliminate the difference between midrange and treble, but probably increase the peak between them due to the higher order filter. Better or worse ? :)

If the 2ms figure is to be believed, (apparently not according to Earl) then the figures for any reasonable crossover where the drivers are closely time aligned will be vanishingly small by comparison, and only in systems with deep waveguides will there be a concern...
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The polars of the B&C 8CXN51 look pretty impressive:

Those are the same two drivers as a Harper. Note the strong resonances of the woofer at 2-4 kHz - a real problem. Note that you don't see any sign of those in the polar plots. Why not? Those polars are just too rough to be of much use (12 dB steps!, I use 1 dB with major marks at 3 dB)

Coax favors smaller drivers because the small size of the wavguide is less of an issue. But the larger coax that I have data for - real high resolution data - show a sadly lacking horn performance at the crossover.
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If the 2ms figure is to be believed, (apparently not according to Earl) then the figures for any reasonable crossover where the drivers are closely time aligned will be vanishingly small by comparison, and only in systems with deep waveguides will there be a concern...

Moores work on GD is much more recent and much more enlightening.

Its not the group delay of the crossover that I am worried about. Its the GD of other things as I said. For the crossover its the inevitable dip in the power response.
Fortunately I don't buy that. If you do, then my analytical approach to deisgn will not be saitisfying at all and I doubt that you will get much out of it.

Reproduction is completely independent of "art". A recording of a car should sound like a car - no art. A bad recording should sound bad - the art is bad. Judgement of the "art" is subjective, but reproduction is not.

Nope, I don't buy it.

Your response made me smile because your comments indicate to me you agree with what I wrote.

You wrote 'reproduction is completely independent of 'art''. I wrote "reproduction is largely, an engineering challenge". I don't see much difference in those statements.

With regard to my 'art appreciation' statement, the 100's of different speaker designs that exist in the world today are testament to the varied subjective interests listeners have in their loudspeaker choices.

I have not heard any of your designs but am confident your efforts would indeed be satisfying when and if I should get that opportunity.
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