Good 8" drivers for Tapped horns with long path lengths?

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hey guys. so to this point I've basically limited myself to FLH and vented boxes in hornresp. someone on another forum asked about a horn that would fire into the corner whilst being placed snug against both perpindicular walls. someone posted a rough dual 8 drawing of a FLH, but I figured a tapped horn would make better use of the space givin the very small mouth size it would have.

heres a pic of a rough little mockup. I've simmed something I'm pretty sure I could fold using 4x the anarchy 6.5inch driver. I was wondering if there were any 8" that were relativly low cost (50 a piece would be nice) that work well in a 20 to 25hz tapped horn.

Also, the whole flared s1 thing... how exactly do you go about modelling that with the driver in the flare.

EDIT: sidenote. Being tight into the corner when designed as such should also increas the l45 length correct? and alter mouth size to be the sice of the triangle on top lol.


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but the low fs seems to be a problem. while is is markably more sensitive than the anarchy in the design, its hard to get a very smooth response with it.

Yeah, it wants to go as low as the DSL DTS-10 except at a 5:1 CR. Still, THX reference in theory down to ~13 Hz in ~300 L net using [4] cheap 8" crammed into a corner seems worth the gamble.........



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Has anyone ever measured the specs of that MCM 8" to see if they actually match the published specs?

I measured mine, and they were consistent with John Krutke's measurement:

IMHO, the Alpine Type Rs offer a lot better sound for not a lot more money.
I wish there was a 'deluxe' version of the 55-2421 that sounded cleaner. It has some great specs, but it just sounds grungey.

Having said that, I still have one in my home theater :p
You get what you pay for with the MCM 55-2421. While the initial specs of the MCM look a lot like the Tang Band W8-740, the MCM lacks the quality of materials found in the Tang Band. If you are looking for low price then I would have to agree that the Alpine R series are hard to beat.
speaking of which, whats the rule on compression ratio for 8s or smaller? with the anarchy i'm having pretty good luck with around a 3.5 to 1 compression ratio. Heres the initial draft, 280 liters net for 4x drivers.

Ideally I'd like the 8" version to stay under 375 liters net but give me solid flat to 25, or 20, I think the extra displaacement will really help it go down lower (horn path is 420 on the 6 version).


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thanks for that link TB (sorry, my six key doesnt work so I'll never be able to spell your name out lol). I've been looking for it.

The THspud seems to dig a bit lower than I need, and is about 375 liters for 2 8s, I'd like to stuff 4 8s in that space if possible. I realize I'll likely only be able to get response down to about 20 to 25hz rather than the 15 or so hz the spud goes to. It has like a six hundred and 20 cm path length, about 150 more cm than I think I am really willing to go.

I dont think I can beat the spud, but then again i'm not trying to compete with it ;p

GM, I missed your second post. checking it out now!!!!
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yeah me either. friend askes specifically about something that would fit snug in a corner, firing into said corner, so I sketched that up. I also sketched up something similar with a slightly different fold internally (same picture, just slightly messed with one side of the fold, the right side, to squeeze some more path length and eliminate some deadspace)


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Hi sine143,

I didn't mean to copy that one. I just like some of the design ideas.

I'll attach the Hornresp Export file for one I drew up (w/o an actual detailed drawing it's just all guesswork anyhow) prior to stuffing being available in Hornresp, I added stuffing and filters here:



  • 144L_MCM.txt
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TB, thats a lot like what my sims with the mcm 8 were looking like too, some wobble across passband with a nasty high end.

heres my comparison with the anarchy woofer (dual driver) vs your mcm 8 dual driver, in about 145liters each. The anarchy woofer needs about a 22hz hipass (mainly due to lower SD imo), where as the mcm needs about a 19 hz hipass, so the mcm digs a bit lower (19hz is below the bandpass of the sub so it doesnt really affect response). Both designs exceed xmax inside pass band (12mm for anarchy, 8mm for mcm), so no jiggling of hipass settings will help them there.

EDIT, forgot to attach image lol.


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TB, thats a lot like what my sims with the mcm 8 were looking like too, some wobble across passband with a nasty high end.

heres my comparison with the anarchy woofer (dual driver) vs your mcm 8 dual driver, in about 145liters each. The anarchy woofer needs about a 22hz hipass (mainly due to lower SD imo), where as the mcm needs about a 19 hz hipass, so the mcm digs a bit lower (19hz is below the bandpass of the sub so it doesnt really affect response). Both designs exceed xmax inside pass band (12mm for anarchy, 8mm for mcm), so no jiggling of hipass settings will help them there.

EDIT, forgot to attach image lol.

That out of band noise starts right after the passband and is around 10dB higher than it. That's going to require quite a bit of processing to effectively deal with it.
Lower than 85hz peak and 120hz peak shown on the mcm dual 8 graph, and the anarchy is more sensiive in pass band so that mess has less gain comparitavly. Suppossedly hornresp exaggerates the peaks as well but wont know till its built lol

Not that much. See my sim'd vs. measured results here:


The Subwoofer DIY Page v1.1 - Projects : "Proof of Concept #3"

Note - the sharp dip around 220 Hz is likely because I didn't use any reflectors in the box, or maybe some other resonance in the box not predicted by HornResp. Now, if I had mad box skillz I would have tried to engineer that resonance to be around 140 Hz to null that little peak out, but alas...

The out of band resonances don't seem to be so high compared to passband when I sim THs with larger drivers. Maybe POC #3 is going to be based around a 15" driver instead... :)
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