Group Delay Questions and Analysis

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My observation was that an ungated phase plot mdat at the LP doesnt show true phase or timing.

I think your response verifies that you agree with me.

By cheating, I only meant that a gated response doesnt mirror the phase or timing your actually going to hear at the LP.

What I think your saying is that your wanting to single out the direct response, via gating, and the timing your wanting to correct or look at is the direct only.

I think that in some cases a gated measurement might be a better representation of the sound as we perceive it. Linkwitz seems to think that 6-8ms represents what we basically perceive as the direct sound. I'm quite happy with my setup which shows excellent phase response when gated to ~7ms, but appears to rotate like a lawn mower blade when viewed over the full decay time :spin:
I think that in some cases a gated measurement might be a better representation of the sound as we perceive it. Linkwitz seems to think that 6-8ms represents what we basically perceive as the direct sound. I'm quite happy with my setup which shows excellent phase response when gated to ~7ms, but appears to rotate like a lawn mower blade when viewed over the full decay time :spin:

While what i have read and come to understand agrees with your definition of the time perception of direct, sounds dont begin to become distinctly separate until 30-50ms (depending on who you read). Which means (to me) 7-30ms (or so) still influences what we perceive as direct.

+1 to what wesayso said.

(love the rotating smiley btw)
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phase d gates.jpg

Taking things even further, here my 7ms (black), 20ms (green) and No gate (Red).

Greg, might be interesting to see where your and wesayso's phase goes wacko (lawnmower) in terms of gate time.

Point being that after 30ms, it may not matter much.
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Added 07-06-2015 in a beta release, time flies, but not that fast :rolleyes: :D
The variable smoothing I've been using for a while. But the new psychoacoustic smoothing has just been added recently.
I had seen that thread before when I was looking for a way to view my FR with a window like one would use in DRC, Audiolense or Acourate.
This is a bit different, you view the perceived psychoacoustic data, if they have set that window right of coarse. Not sure what the windowing and dip limiting is yet.
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Added 07-06-2015 in a beta release, time flies, but not that fast :rolleyes: :D
The variable smoothing I've been using for a while. But the new psychoacoustic smoothing has just been added recently.
I had seen that thread before when I was looking for a way to view my FR with a window like one would use in DRC, Audiolense or Acourate.
This is a bit different, you view the perceived psychoacoustic data, if they have set that window right of coarse. Not sure what the windowing and dip limiting is yet.

I missed that. Your right, PSY is new. In addition to "Psychoacoustic smoothing", there is also something called "ERB smoothing" (just now downloaded the new beta version)

d smoothing.jpg

Here is what each looks like applied to the same measurement. I really dont know what either of these new ones mean or tell us. Anyone?
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I have no idea where you got that ERB smoothing. I'm not seeing it, what is your REW version? 5.13 Beta 3 right? Or did I miss something :).

The psychoacoustic smoothing is trying to interpret what we actually hear. So it is windowing the frequency response with a variable window, mimicking how we actually hear sound and ignoring narrow dips as that is what our hearing seems to be good at too. In your case it's no surprise the results are close.
No idea yet how many cycles this window is set at. That would be good to know. As it is sort of what we talked about.
This filter is probably build to look at the direct sound we perceive. Only it comes in one handy smoothing tool so we don't have to browse different gating windows.
But what it's settings are would be good to know.
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Here's how the left side looks.

BTW, that's cool about freq dependent gating in REW. I had wondered about that myself.

Greg, one more question for you. Do you eventually get a phase wrap at longer windows, say 100 to 500 between 100 Hz and 200 Hz?

Gated to about 15 ms I don't, but after that I have a wrap there. That's what I'm still fighting. I get another at an even lower frequency but I battle them one by one (lol). That's where I need a room like yours Jim!

View attachment 487953

ERB matches 1/6th smoothing down to about 800hz, then begins to deviate with what looks like enhanced smoothing further down.

There's an ERB template in DRC, it's also a kind of windowing based on some psychoacoustic principles I believe. But it didn't do that well in the bass department for me. I disregarded it for that reason. The timing of that window is described in the ERB template, let me look it up:
ERB appoximation windowing (65 ms at 20 Hz, 48.5 ms at 100 Hz, 12.6 ms at 1 KHz, 0.46 ms at 20 KHz)
So that's a pretty long window at high frequencies and relatively very short at lower frequencies.

Kind of like correcting the direct speaker sound and leaving the bass to the room in DRC correcting if you ask me...
65 ms is a little over one cycle at 20 Hz. Yet 0.46 ms is almost 10 cycles at 20 kHz.

Got to go, way to late over here (again)...
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Greg, one more question for you. Do you eventually get a phase wrap at longer windows, say 100 to 500 between 100 Hz and 200 Hz?

Gated to about 15 ms I don't, but after that I have a wrap there. That's what I'm still fighting. I get another at an even lower frequency but I battle them one by one (lol). That's where I need a room like yours Jim!

With my left channel measurement (the only one I have handy right now for some reason), a phase wrap at 200hz appears suddenly at 16ms. Interesting how close in time it is to yours...


Thanks. You wouldn't like the ungated response though...
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