Happy Birthday Mr. Nelson Pass!

udailey said:
Happy belated Birthday Mr. Pass.
Was in Boulder and every guy with a slightly gray pony tail had me second guessing whether it was you or not.
Hope you had a good one.

"Slightly gray pony Tail".......Suck -up. ;) (beat me to it)

Happy Birthday Nelson, (your told me not to call you Mr. Pass):smash:
I had the distinct pleasure of meeting you and your kind son in person at the first Burning Amp in San Francisco, you brought many wonderful gifts for us DIYers', Thank you.

I hope the sounds of Birthday joy are still ringing in your ears.

Happy Birthday Nelson!

The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
I just got back from the coast, out of contact.

It's a big treat to read the avalanche of birthday greetings. As
always, the names of the devoted will be added to the sacred list,
and they will be doubly blessed in their DIY Audio endeavors.

Thank you very much.

Joined 2007
Paid Member
Dear Mr. Pass,

When I was a young lad in college and opened my Stereophile mag to read reviews about your great offerings, I pictured an old, scholarly man hunched over o-scopes with a tobacco pipe gazing over sine waves and their deep meaning.

Well, I was not too far off the mark!:D

Reality in this case is much better than my working idea! A happy belated birthday and thank you for contributing to my understanding of things audio. After the tweaks I have made to my system, my little girl now dances and gyrates even more while listening to her Dora the Explorer CD!