Hawking Memorial Obelisk

FWIW, I think Dave is running these on a single ACA1.5. He's breaking in several new pieces of gear and interconnects - most notably I guess the Schiit Gungnir DAC, and wants to wait at least a few more days before running the pair in bridge mono mode, as well as inserting the Rotel pre in the mix.
Joined 2001
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hi Dave,

Give them a solid week of play. I would be very interested in your opinion knowing the depth of your experience with full rangers. Specifically compared to the A10/A12 series. I think they may be in my future for another project for a graduation present.

Stanney - yes, several of the SOTA "total" black paints have already been suggested, and as I noted repeatedly, the time and material required to prepare a plywood box for a perfect dead flat paint job that will not eventually telegraph stress joints is not something in which I care to invest.

While the Wilson Art Black Velvet plastic laminate came in a higher landed cost than originally estimated, it'll take probably an hour or two to completely skin the box, and it's been my experience that paint is not as durable as high pressure plastic laminate.

these were intended as a relatively quick proto, and this not my first rodeo
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I have just given them a quick listen in isolation (so day-to-day factors not canceled out). They are considerably better. Bass has tightened up — we were discussing adding more fill, not so sure now. Not as extended or as defined as A10s in FHXL (i do have a set of FHXLs i might be able to wrangle the Eikona into). They seem quite smooth, maybe too smooth, with some of the edges smooshed over. The soundstage is not as 3D as we have become used to with the EnABLed drivers. Female voices are good but have a bit of a “fuzz” to them as well as a bit of edge obscuring the beauty a bit.

Next i will take the time to compare to the Alpair 10PeN (they are sitting right behind the obelisks so an easy swap, but the real head-to-head will be with Chris’ A10.3eN Pensils (in the shop getting a veneer job).

So lots of time to get more real-world hours on them. If anything like the A10.3 that can be nothing but a benefit.

Joined 2001
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Oh no, those Pensils have been firmly re-ensconced in my HT system since last weekend, so it'll take a special trip to get them to the mountain.

You were warned that they would be needed to compare to the Hawling :^)

In the meantime, have you bridged the ACA's yet - or still playing around upstream of that point?

Still mucking with upstream stuff.

I read about this project on Colin's newsletter but didn't realise you guys were doing it. Ten or more years ago I built a pair of VTL's and, inspired by the shape went for a monolinth type finish - sprayed dark slate grey and of course not in the right dimensions compared your homage.


Since then I've built DCR's using twin Eikonas and are now on a pair of 4 aside transmission lines. To be honest I don't recognise your description of the sound which you seem to be disappointed in. I've also built Frugalhorns and XL's. As good as they are I think the Eikonas are well worth the extra money over the Alpairs. Let's hope your running in and further experimenting brings out the best in the Eikonas. You chaps have been an inspiration to me in the past so I hope it all works out.