Help in choosing a potentiometer as a "Passive preamplifier"

Find out if your RIAA pre can drive a 10k vol pot.
Then assess the DC blocker and cable effect into and out of that 10k vol pot.
If all are satisfactory, then use a 10k.

Check to see what RF interference attenuation is fitted to the dr's input.

Thanks for your reply! Im afraid the information you gave me is a bit too condensed for a beginner like me :(

How do I find out if my phono pre can drive a 10k pot? Trial and error?

Why does the RF interference attenuation of the dr matter in this case?


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The 1uF DC blocking capacitor driving a 10k input impedance will roll off the low bass.

I typically aim for CR= 80ms to 100ms at the input of the power amplifier and aim for a full octave below that in the earlier stages.
On this basis, I would use a 10uF MKP or MKT as the output blocking capacitor.
so scottjoplin says that it will be fine and andrewt says that the current pre amp configuration together with a 10k pot will lead to problems with the bass. did i get that about right?

seems there's never just one correct answer to a question like that :)

btw: i talked to the guy who designed my phono stage and he said the output impendancenis 10 Ohms. He suggested using a 100k pot or a buffer amp.

i'm a bit confused :)
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1uF driving 10k gives an LF rolloff at 16Hz. You may or may not find that acceptable; this partly a matter of taste, and partly a matter of which speakers you have and where they roll off. If the 1uF is an electrolytic then you really need 10uF instead, so the cap has very little signal voltage across it at the bass end; alternatively, use a 100k pot instead.

10 ohms output impedance can easily drive a 10k pot. 10 ohms plus 1uF can only drive 10k if you are happy to have some bass rolloff.
thanks for all your advice.

i talked some more to the designer of the phono stage and figured out that a 20k pot would probably be ideal. i'll keep the phono stage as it is and in combination with a 20k pot the rolloff should be at 6 or 7 hz.

i seem to remember that somewhere on this forum i read about the relationship between S/N ratio and pot values. unfortunately i can't find the post or article anymore. can somebody verify my assumption that a lower pot is desirable because the lower resistance will "kill" (for a lack of a better word) less of the signal and thus less amplification is needed after the pot. With less amplification whatever noise appears in the amp will also be less amplified giving a better S/N ratio. Did I get it right so far?

Would that mean that - all other things equal - a lower resistance pot will play louder (because it "kills" less signal) in any given setting than a higher resistance pot?
blue velvet 50k pot will do the trick.
I'm looking at the 10k or 20k one, however I have a preamp before the pot
Less amplification after the pot will reduce noise levels
It won't be any louder but noise levels will be less. Lower resistance will also make it flatter response when driving cables or stages with larger miller input capacitance.
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