Hi-End and Hi-Efficency loudspeakers (horn + onken)

Hello to everyone!

I'd like to build those Onken speakers as they can be a nice addition to Andrea's 2A3 PSE amplifier I built two years ago. But before I start I have a few things to get clear.

I've made some calculations using Onken Calculator in Excel sheet for Andrea's onken geometry with Beyma.
It seems that the enclosure is a little bit far from Onken design - rather an Onken-like BR. Geometry used by Andrea (V~165 ltr.; 6 ports 17x4cm; L'vent=37cm) can be achieved for n-factor equal 4.271 (5.7 for best alignment, 6.34 for Onken alignment) as can be seen in attached pdf file.

I tried to get closer to Onken aproach and calculated the enclosure for n-factor equal 6.34 and got V~250 ltr, 6 ports 25.5x4cm L'vent=35cm - pdf in attachment.

Port area raised from 408cm^2 (53,6% smaller than Sd=880cm^2 according to Beyma datasheet) to 612cm^2 (30,5% smaller than Sd). A little bit better but still far from 15% which is probably unachievable for this Beyma driver. Question is if there is any driver that allow to stay within 15% range and the enclosure has reasonable size (<300 ltr)?

[Internal volume of 260 ltr. (I presume ~10 ltr for driver volume) can be achieved for external dimensions: 75 cm width, ~65cm depth, 88,5cm height. I have some drawing in AutoCad software but left in the office so I can post them tomorrow morning.]

Then I moved to WinISD and simulated bass response for both versions.
I assume that to simulate Onken in WinISD I should use Lvent value as a BR port. And we use L'vent value to build the enclosure. Am I right?
Anyway I simulated it for Lvent port length and port dimensions as above. Charts of Transfer Magnitude and Group Delay are in attachment.
There's no surprise that for bigger enclosure f3 is lower and group delay raised.

The question is how will it influence the sound and if it's better to get closer to Onknen approach or rather stick to Andrea's design and don't change anything? Will the wider baffle cause necessity to change the crossover? I have no measure instruments, microphone etc. so I'd rather like to avoid such a changes.

Best regards,


  • ONKEN SM115N - A. Ciuffoli.pdf
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  • ONKEN SM115N - mhgawel.pdf
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  • TRANSFER.jpg
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  • GD.jpg
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Hi, Long time since my last post but i now use jmlc horns from AutoTech for the Fostex driver. I have also added a Beyma cp 21f from about 12000 Hz.
I have also added two mighty big tapped horn subs too fill out in the bottom down to 19 Hz.
I have changed the amplifier for the Fostex and Beyma to a Musical innovations amplifier 25 watts class a.
The tapped horns are driven by a Behringer inuke 6000 with changed fans to a silent one.
But still not fully finishen, they are still under construction &#55357;&#56832;