HiVi B3S in mini transmission-line

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This mini transmission-line design was published in the German journal Hobby Hifi in 2005. It seemed a fun idea to replicate this little loudspeaker (although I guess almost no-one built them concluding after searching various fora) so after reading the 3 inch full range test by John Zaph Krutke ( I decided to use the testwinner (the HiVi B3N not the –S- I like the looks better while the specs are more or less identical) in this enclosure. The filter design used is also John’s. I decided to internalize all small components only to mount the big inductor at the back.
Building time approximately 3 days (most of it sanding/veneering). Total cost under $100,-. So, how do they sound?
Pretty impressive taking into account the cost. Not any useful bass below 70-80 Hz but the midbass is surprsingly strong and impulsive. Compared to small Fostex drivers the mids are bit suppressed and lacking detail. Highs are clear and pleasing. This, however, is all preliminary since the drivers have been playing music for only ten hours and I have not yet fiddled with any damping behind the driver or vent.
This weekend I expect them to become completely finished with a little oil or wax on the veneer and some tweaking of positioning and damping.
Final comment, it is surprising how much juice these little drivers need: my regular AMP6 ( is definitely underpowered; the alternative gainclone is a way better amp for this application. Although overall efficiency is low, the power handling is good; the gainclone drives them to sufficiently loud levels the AMP6 just cannot manage.

!Question for the guys with simulation software: how do the driver and enclosure match compared to the original Tangband W3-315SC design? I’m really interested in those sims but unfortunately have not yet the progs or experience to run them.


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Might be a bit early to say which filter to use. GM has offered to run some simulations for this type of enclosure so it is better to wait for his results (freq/response graphs) before deciding on the most approriate filter. The W3-871 and W3-315 are not identical but pretty much the same sonically (maybe a bit more shout/shrillness in the upper octaves in the 315?) is what I've read so far.
use wall mounted for flatpanel tv?

Any chance of re-configuring such a mini-TL for shallow depth to be able to use as a low profile wall mounted speaker for a flat screen TV?

The movement to flat screens has made getting high WAF on speakers in the living room a little tougher...

Klipsch and others have responded with speakers like the Quintet (20.5" x 5.5" x 5.6") for wall mounting and having a similar size would be great in a TL.

That mini TL sounds great. I have been trying to design a "small" Alpha TL and the "small" part seems to be a problem.

If anyone wants to divulge a drawing with about a 4 or 5 inch driver please let me know about it :)

On another quick note, I recently read a review on a Role Audio speaker
as seen in the link.

Looks a lot like what I am looking for but the price!looky

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DocLorren said:
Dimensions: 220 (H), 100 (W), 300 (D) all in millimeters of course.
Again, I'm not sure how magazines will react when DIYaudio members upload (copyright protected) plans to public internet fora.

It is the actual drawing that is copyright not the design. Under fair use a certain amount can be reproduced with proper credit.

But we can avoid that altogether by just making our own plans.

Here is a 1st stab... corrections?



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