HiVi B3S in mini transmission-line

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Hi, That's a good job!!!! congratulations!!!

I'm planing to built a pair of them, this will be my first Fullrange

speaker, but i wanna know ...

... wich speaker is better for these TL:

Aurasound NS3-194-8E

Tang Band W3-593SF

Tang Band W3-871SC

HiVi B4N

830986 Peerless 3"

hope you could help me . . . . and sorry for my bad english
ivan-UTN-ARG said:
Aurasound NS3-194-8E

Tang Band W3-593SF

Tang Band W3-871SC

HiVi M3N

830986 Peerless 3"

I think I saw somewhere that
Aurasound NS3 has good bass for a 3" but not as good high-end and OK mids
HiVi 3" has bad bass below 100Hz, but very good otherwise.
W3-871 has balanced bass/highs, but the highs are a tiny bit sharp.

I don't know the other two.

A driver you may want to check out is the Omnes Audio BB3.01, which is very similar to W3-871, but has a bit stronger bass and a bit softer highs. There is some information in the Cyburgs Needle thread here.

Whatever 3" driver you'll use, none is going to shake your bones.
These drivers are however a lot of fun to experiment with and, when run in full range mode, are surprisingly capable. Do not expect miracles though. The HiVi's were just $10 per driver. You cannot go wrong there at all in my opinion. My recommendation: buy a few of these drivers, some wood and glue, read the fora about the various enclosures and go experiment. Don't forget to post your results. You will love the trip.
DocLorren said:

Whatever 3" driver you'll use, none is going to shake your bones.
These drivers are however a lot of fun to experiment with and, when run in full range mode, are surprisingly capable. Do not expect miracles though. The HiVi's were just $10 per driver. You cannot go wrong there at all in my opinion. My recommendation: buy a few of these drivers, some wood and glue, read the fora about the various enclosures and go experiment. Don't forget to post your results. You will love the trip.

DocLorren said:

Whatever 3" driver you'll use, none is going to shake your bones.
These drivers are however a lot of fun to experiment with and, when run in full range mode, are surprisingly capable. Do not expect miracles though. The HiVi's were just $10 per driver. You cannot go wrong there at all in my opinion. My recommendation: buy a few of these drivers, some wood and glue, read the fora about the various enclosures and go experiment. Don't forget to post your results. You will love the trip.

I know that . . . and i only wanna know which is better, in mids and highs . . . I'm going to use them with a small tube amp (6Wpc), and i'm looking for some small full range speaker that works well from 90 or 100Hz . . . .

I'll post my results soon . . .

I'm not hijacking the thread, but since someone asked about the Tang Band W3-871SC I thought I'd throw this little one in that was built as a computer speaker. 2dB BSC was a must and a zobel to sort out that impedance rise from hell.

It's a surprising little driver and I don't venture into fullrange territory very often (FR125S, FE127E the only ones), but I had to try a TB driver. It's called the hydrant and no dogs allowed within 10 metres.

Back to you regular program of the HiVi B3S.


  • hydrant1.jpg
    61.1 KB · Views: 1,418

That is a loudspeaker straight from the comics store. I love it!
Paint it red! It is a vented design? Please post details in a separate thread (it's worth it, I think).

Back to Ivan: 6W per channel is not enough oomph to drive the HiVi's. These little units really suck up power. With my amp6 ( it is definitely underpowered. With the Gainclone (LM3875) they sound just right. For your application with tubes, high quality pursuit and all, maybe you should also look at the 3" Fostex drivers? You may find them to be excellent although a bit more pricey.

(then still: buy some HiVi's just for the fun of it)
I have that small tube amp, and another with LM3886, but working with +/-37V, and i think that it's dangerous, it's too much ( arround 60Wpc ).

the problem is the shipping cost, it's too much. And fostex are too expensive to experiment.

I'll probably buy a HiVi or a Tangband, cause there's no stock of Arua's NS3-194-8E in madisound.

Thanks for your advice . . . .

photos soon...
Re: W3-871SC

Originally posted by rabbitz It's called the hydrant and no dogs allowed within 10 metres.

A pair of those would make a great birthday present for my brother. He is very much into home improvement diy stuff, and we share a weird sense of humour together :clown:

I'd appreciate if you posted some details on the dimensions of the PVC pipe and port. Schematic of the required correction network would be nice too, I wouldn't be able to figure that out myself.
sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, but i'm very interested in a small fullrange t-line speaker for my first diy build.

is it possible to modify this design to make it a taller floor standing speaker? would there be any benefits from this?

the look i had in mind was along the lines of this sampan dtl speaker:

if i missed anything in my searches and you guys can point me in the right directin, i'd appreciate it.

thanks in advance.

thanks picowallspeaker. i was more or less looking for something made from wood though and in the same vane as the link i posted but a t-line. maybe i should start a seperate thread for this as to not clutter up this post. (unless a modification of the design in this thread is possible)
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