
Hello David!

May I point your attention on this thread:

Klangfilm spherical wave horn calculator - from round to elliptical

So far as I understand your program it can model 2D profiles which have rotational symmetry with the wavefront simulator. With my modification the original sperical wave horns (Klangfilm) become elliptical. Do you have any idea how to simulate such an horn?

Your selectable spherical wave horn profile has no rollback included but in fact the original design has a rollback which you can see in my sheet.

Btw, I have read that the first versions of your code were written in FORTRAN IV. A formular translator :) But F IV was very painful to read and to program before F77 became available. I remember very well the quantum chemical tapeworm code without any comments and so many goto xxx lines :D This language was like investment protection as it was very hard to understand someone else code. And Mainframes are the platform I am currently working with. Still the top of the food chain.

Best regards!
Hi Bernd,

May I point your attention on this thread:

Thanks for the link.

Do you have any idea how to simulate such an horn?

An elliptical spherical wave horn could presumably be simulated using finite element analysis techniques.

Your selectable spherical wave horn profile has no rollback included but in fact the original design has a rollback which you can see in my sheet.

I included the spherical wave horn option in Hornresp after being contacted by Avantgarde Acoustic, who were using the profile in their horn loudspeakers. I didn't worry about mouth roll-back because they didn't to seem to employ it in their designs to any noticeable degree. I do however allow the Hornresp Le Cléac'h horn profile to roll back.

But F IV was very painful to read and to program before F77 became available.

I thought that FORTRAN VI was wonderful - very powerful and fast - great for heavy number crunching!

Kind regards,



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Hornresp Update 4840-181108

Hi Everyone,


Previously, if the Ap2 slider in the BP6 loudspeaker wizard was set to 0.1, port tube 2 would be removed and the enclosure would simplify to a BP4 alignment. Now the slider has to be set to zero for this to occur. This minor operational change does not affect the results. Attachment 1 refers.


Port tube 2 has been repositioned in the BP6P schematic, as suggested by Brian in Post #8790. Attachment 2 refers.


Power response, impedance and displacement data can now be exported from the BP4, BP6S, BP6P, BP8, DBR and ABC loudspeaker wizards. Attachment 3 refers.


BP4, BP6S and BP6P loudspeakers can now have offset drivers. The offset is specified using the Lo1 and Lo2 sliders. The default Manual setting allows the offset in each chamber to be adjusted individually. The Auto setting makes the offset in each chamber the same. Attachment 4 refers.

Kind regards,



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David has a cone volume calculator but we don't have a tool that converts the volume to area in the expansion along the path length, I slice them manually in CAD and divide by the cabinet width so I can get the expansion correct, but I wonder if it's possible to do in excel?
i had the same "problem"and the same solution,with the latest version of the FT30:D
Good to know Ur self confidence is top... :cool:

Hi 👋 Mark,
good responce!

I’ve only been doing the same since the early eighties and should probably confess to being well ‘crashed and burned’ by now...

Sad to have missed making Your aquatance at Mandy and Philip’s LSS-Loudspeaker Sourcing Show in Nansha, deeper GZ!

I have ‘operated’ (mainly quietly Ie. ‘below the Radar’) for various Clients (local and further) in the same area for the last +7 years.

With best regards
Hi Andrew,

Hornresp already has an error message for the 'Courier New' font - see attachment. I did not provide a similar message for the 'MS Sans Serif' font because I wrongly assumed that Microsoft would always include their own fonts at the very least, with their Operating Systems. I will add an error message for the 'MS Sans Serif' font in the next update, rather than changing the Readme.txt file as initially proposed.

Kind regards,

That is the gist of productive thought regarding problems. Some problems we can effect. Some are out of our control. And some problems are not important enough to think about!

Wisdom is demonstrated by the ability to make worrying productive instead of a form of self generated shackles.

Second Your stated sentiments Gents! ;)
Just wish little I was better at it... :lifesavr:

All the best