How to build a 21st century protection board

Joined 2014
Paid Member
yes, it's backwards according to the square pad. The top board mask is incorrect. It has pin 1 towards the outside. the square pin is towards the inside. I'll get that fixed and try it.

BTW, is there a way to insert a reset switch on the control board, I have V5.4? I'm getting tired of unplugging the amp every time it trips. Would make it easier once the amp is installed also, put the switch on the back.
Joined 2014
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OK, all connectors and ribbon cables are now correct. The amp powers up and does not trip. problem is now neither board trips when DC is applied to the input connector. I ran all the way up to 5 Volts on each board.

I tried the boards separetly this time so I could keep things easier to troubleshoot.
Jumper R3 to R4 where the red line is in the picture and see if the protection trips.


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Board #1 is working correctly, I was not using the right ground as you suspected.

Board #2 trips when 2 volts DC is applied to the speaker and ground terminals. Problem with that board, it is not connecting the speaker. Measures infinite ohms when started and not tripped. Must have something to do with R9 being 0mA.
Joined 2014
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142 mV on pin 6 U1
11mV on R9, makes sense, Q10 not being turned on, right?
0mV on pin4 U2, makes sense, no voltage being supplied to the circuit.

are we back to Q5? Q5 checks good with a transistor tester and diode D6 is installed correctly, measure .6 volts one way, 1.4 volts the other way.
If you have 12V to the emitter of Q10 and the base is being pulled low there should be voltage at the collector of Q10. U1 is doing it's job, voltage should be low at pin 6. Possibly R14 is open or has a bad solder joint stopping base current from Q10.

You are referencing to the correct ground for sure? You need to be connecting your meter to digital ground for these measurements (pin 5 of U1).