Hypex Ncore

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@julf The NC is more efficient (especially idle dissipation) and drives low impedance loads better. Future revisions of the UcD400 will incorporate these changes (the latest UcD400OEM already does).

Most listening reports that are already "out there" are in Dutch, for obvious reasons. I notice that some of the people waiting to hear third party reports are Dutch too so they might actually be able to read them.
If we who are so unfortunate not to read dutch, are so fortunate that some who can read dutch, will report in English what they read, we sure will be very grateful, indeed :).

Bruno, please spread the word, when you expect the next batch to be available.

As for the data sheet questions, it would be great if you could specify the expected current demands for the input buffer stage supply. It could be helpful for we who are to specify a linear supply.
- You have shared the voltage demands, but current may be relevant too, especially as you earlier mentioned that it was expected to draw a lot more current than the UCD series buffers, hence the need for a lower voltage supply than that for the output stage.

Retrofitting into a case built for the UCD400's doesn't look like fun with the circular PCB, any information on how the mounting works, it looks like the heatsink attach is on the bottom of the board?

Also when will the second production run be available for sale?

The NC400 is mounted on a rond heatsink, mount this heatsink flat inside your case. There are holes in the heatsink with M3 thread for easy mounting.

The end of January we'll have the next batch available.
Translation from the link provided by BMW850.
Ik ben reeds lange tijd bekend met de UcD producten van Hypex; veel mensen om me heen bouwen verstekers met deze modules. Ik ben van mening dat de UcD de beste kwaliteit versterking biedt voor het gestelde prijs niveau. Desalniettemin (en zonder de prijs in aanmerking te nemen!) vind ik zelf de UcDs een concessie. Ondanks het correcte tonale karakter ontbrak voor mij ergens de energie die ik in live-muziek altijd zo waardeer. Voor mij is het belangrijk dat wegstervende tonen evenveel opvallen als de aanzet daarvan, en bij de UcDs heb ik altijd het gevoel dat er meer accent op de aanzet zit (PS, een combinatie van een UcD met een Borbely voorversterker brengt hier een stuk balans, energie en bezieling, zonder de sterke eigenschappen van een UcD aan te tasten).

De Ncore zet hier de puntjes direct op de i. We hebben nu niet alleen de tonaal correcte balans, de precisie en aftekening zoals we die met de UcD gewend zijn, maar ook de energie balans lijkt helemaal te kloppen. De combinatie van enorme controle en harmonische rijkdom van instrumentarium grijpen je naar de keel. Alle bronnen blijven over het hele spectrum ram vast in hun 3D beeld staan, van diep laag tot hoog. Het hele gezelschap was duidelijk onder de indruk. De ene CD naar de andere CD ging de lade in, en als je ziet dat mensen CD titels op aan het schrijven zijn tijdens een demo, dan weet je eigenlijk dat het goed zit.
M.a.w., mooi product, en zeker iets om te overwegen!

I am quite familiar with the UCD product line by Hypex. A lot of people are building amps with the UCD. It is my opinion that you cannot have a better sounding amplifier than the UCD at that price. But without taking the price into consideration I found the UCDs to be compromised. Despite the correct tonal character of the sound. I always found the energy from a rendition of live music lacking with the UCDs. To me the attack and the decay of this type of music is equally significant. And the UCD seemed to emphasize the attack more than the decay. (The borbely preamp in combination with the UCD seemed to restore some of that balance)

The NCore dots the i's and crosses the t's. Not only is the tonal balance, precision and delineation correct as we have become accustomed to with the UCD. But the "energy balance" is now also correct. The combination of complete and utter control and harmonic richness of the instruments grab you by the throat. All point sources (instruments?) remain rock solid in the same spot in the 3d canvas from the lows to the highs. The assembled listeners were clearly impressed. One after the other CD was listened to. And if you see folks writing down titles of the CDs you know all is well.
In other words a great product, definitely worth considering!

Probably the hardest part to translate was "mooi product". Literally translated it means beautiful. A beautiful product. But in English beautiful refers more to the look. In Dutch it refers more to the whole thing.
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This is a review for NC1200 not for the diy NC400
Hi Theodosis O
The NCore listening test was at my house.
You are correct that it was the NC1200 oem unit but Bruno told there will be not much difference in sound between the two.
We compared the units against an PassLabs clone AX200 with I already use for years and compared to al lot of different amplifiers also the UCD180 UCD400 and UCD700.
I find the PassLabs clone better sounding on my speakers the the Hypex UCD models.
But I like the NCore more than the PassLabs clone.
Yesterday I ordered 2 NCore and power supply's.

Hi Theodosis O
The NCore listening test was at my house.
You are correct that it was the NC1200 oem unit but Bruno told there will be not much difference in sound between the two.
We compared the units against an PassLabs clone AX200 with I already use for years and compared to al lot of different amplifiers also the UCD180 UCD400 and UCD700.
I find the PassLabs clone better sounding on my speakers the the Hypex UCD models.
But I like the NCore more than the PassLabs clone.
Yesterday I ordered 2 NCore and power supply's.


i have the feeling that pass.ucd,and ncore must be close each other?
what was the system NCORE was tested in? (source and loudspeakers)

Loudspeakers were I think Avalon clones, with hexacone bass driver in a low tuned bass reflex, and Accuton ceramic drivers for mid and treble; surely a system capable of demonstrating differences between amplifiers.
Source I don't know but will have been up to the task no doubt.
i have the feeling that pass.ucd,and ncore must be close each other?
The Ncore is better than the PassLabs clone but in my opinion closer to the passlabs then the normal UCD.
Some OT posts removed
Did I miss something:D
what was the system NCORE was tested in? (source and loudspeakers)
Cd player Denon A1 UGS preamp from passlabs forum with some small modifications which you can read over there.
Speakers are a Eidolon Clone.



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