Hypex UcD AS2.100


I tried to use an universal remote control to control the AS2.100.
Unfortunately it doesn't work. Could you give me a hint for the correct coding?


We use the RC5 Philips TV codes for controlling the AS2.100 the exact codes are:
Device = 0 (TV1)
On/off = 12
On = 10
Off = 11
Vol up = 16
Vol down = 17
Mute = 13

Other info can be found in the preliminairy FAQ:
I think this is a great product, awesome idea. I've played with the software a bit and it was very intuitive. But I'm a bit worried about the A/D->DSP->D/A, having no experience with any of them except D/A which is hard enough to do well on it's own. How good is the implementation in this chip?

I know it's very subjective, but can anyone comment on the sound quality of the AS2.100?
about the standalone DSP, how will the USB connection work?

is it possible for you to code out in a way you can use this product as an computer-connected ADC? im asking this since it would be interesting to use the good ADC it uses to record some old LP records, or tapes, directly to a PC (and all the connections and circuits are already "in the box").

thank you!
[is there any new prediction for its release or price]
about the standalone DSP, how will the USB connection work?

is it possible for you to code out in a way you can use this product as an computer-connected ADC? im asking this since it would be interesting to use the good ADC it uses to record some old LP records, or tapes, directly to a PC (and all the connections and circuits are already "in the box").

thank you!
[is there any new prediction for its release or price]

The 6channel DSP will have some add-on bords carrying the connectors (and buttons display etc.)
The USB audio is one way, from the PC to the DSP board, not the other way around.
hummm...i see...

and will there be any other way for me to do what i explained before? maybe a digital output after the ADC?

i know it's not what the product is intended for, but that would be a terribly good extra.

by the way, and forgive me for asking about the mentioned "controls": there will be a volume control and a signal entry switch, right?

thank you for your reply!
I have installed two of the digitally controlled plateamps onto my Kefs 104/2.
Unfortunately, the slave amp - used as such - does not acknowledge the spdif signal. I can only use it via the analogue only input as a master amp.
It accepts the USB command, but even trying to use the link cable does not make it work as slave.
The master unit works perfectly, including the x-over to the active sub.

My beef - I sent the failure report to the person - Tim Bijker - who responded with the answer he has nothing to do with warranty claims, and sent me the departments email address.
I can acknowledge the fact that he is not responsible, but why, instead of screwing me around, can he not forward the email to the appropriate department? Is that asked too much after spending about 1300$ total on two units?

I had expected a bit better service when in trouble.
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I have installed two of the digitally controlled plateamps onto my Kefs 104/2.
Unfortunately, the slave amp - used as such - does not acknowledge the spdif signal. I can only use it via the analogue only input as a master amp.
It accepts the USB command, but even trying to use the link cable does not make it work as slave.
The master unit works perfectly, including the x-over to the active sub.

SPDIF link seems to work only with digital input. With analog input, the link works via analog trigger cable.
SPDIF link seems to work only with digital input.
I know, because I use spdif input from a behringer scrc.

The master a,p receives digital signal fine, but the slave amp does not acknowledge the signal, or any signal that sets its status even when using the link cable instead of spdif to spdif connection.
When the slave amp is switched to master amp, it also does not in the control board show that it receives a digital signal, it only receives analogue signal.

When receiving the analogue signal directly from a preamp, the amp plays fine.
My beef - I sent the failure report to the person - Tim Bijker - who responded with the answer he has nothing to do with warranty claims, and sent me the departments email address.
I can acknowledge the fact that he is not responsible, but why, instead of screwing me around, can he not forward the email to the appropriate department? Is that asked too much after spending about 1300$ total on two units?

I had expected a bit better service when in trouble.

I've already send you a pm for a solution for the SPDIF problem.
But I've askes Tim and he redirected the email to support, so we got the message but only did not get to it. I think its been only a misunderstanding from both sides.
If you have dipoles or want to share between several speaker sets or don't want to cut holes in your best boxes or just want to experiment safely it's a good idea to box the AS2-100.
Multipurpose box 220x150x64 MB6 is one cheap solution. (CPC EN81783).
To prevent LF/HF cross-connection in two way setup use a 4 pole speaker connector eg Speakon NL4.
With the button PCB as I have it the IR receiver looks out the top of the box. I wanted the LED to point the same way. If you can de-solder the LED with out destroying it you deserve a prize.
All I have to do now is experiment.

Mr Chris.


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Experiments with the AS2.100

For convenience I put the control panel / filter designer software on an Asus Eee PC 900 NetBook (XP boot). The graphics chip set is Mobile Intel 915GM/GMS,910ML. The display is shown as Digital Flat Panel (1280x1024) but the maximum adjustable screen resolution is 1280x768. Unfortunately the Filter Designer screen only shows 3 functions, HPF1 to Boost/Cut are not accessible. If I plug in an external VGA monitor run at 1280x1024 and resize the window the graph stretches full screen and the extra functions are still invisible.
Back to the desktop PC...
Thanks Matthijs,

I found the SPDIF input board on the slave Amp was the culprit.
Hypex sent a new board, and my Kefs are playing fine.

The fine thing about it:

I had a setup, running the kefs and a isobarik sub through a behringer dcx, the subs and the Kefs powered by Bryston 4B and 4Bst.

I am now putting my Brystons on the market. I run two as2.100 digitals in bridged mode and a bash 300 amp on the subwoofer.

I do miss nothing in sound quality. The one thing I do not miss either - a whole bunch o interconnects and speaker wires I do not have to care about anymore.

The next step - setting up a media pc with blueray player/burner, HDTV videocard, m-audio pro soundcard with balanced analogue in from my phono-preamps and wireless controlled with wireless internet connectivity.
The audio then via spdif to the plateamps.

I am just looking for a good auto eq program similar to what the behringer deq can do...

Anyway, I like the plate amps, a lot of bang for the buck when they compete successfully with Bryston amps...now it is just a matter of reliability...
Compresses things enormously, especially with 2 1TB harddrives....
Storing Control Panel Settings

I'm a new user of the AS2.100. I'm slightly confused about how and when the control panel settings from the PC SW are stored in the AS2.100 module.

From the published FAQ I can read that the way to store the configuration is to go stand-by with the on/off switch while power is connected.

This seams a bit dangerous to me since the overall configuration is included in that save operation. For example the Stereo / 2-ch mode is part of that and a mistake may destroy the tweeter if low frequencies are applied.

To me it would be much safer if there were a Store command similar to what you do when loading filter parameters from the PC that cannot easily be modified.

Please let me know if I've misunderstood the function.
Hello Bruno and Jan-Peter!
Prof.Hawksford, Dr Greenfield and i did a 4th order L/R filter with phase correction in 1993. We always argued that higher order digital filters cause preringing. That is especially anoying out of axis. I talked to Bruno about that on the Munich AES fair and he was not aware of our work. It is reasuring that you came to the same conclusion independently. Some innovations need 20 years to lead to commercial success.
That myth that 200dB octave filters are posible and desirable in digital has to be destroyed.
ceveat: there has been work done by others that steep filters are posible and desirable ones you go to onther speaker layouts like the D`Áppolito configuration but that is a work in progress. Much more complex then it looks on the surface.