I heard about the Linear Audio article on Soft Recovery diodes, and ...

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Joined 2005
Paid Member

How about adding a subscription structure? For example $1.99/month gets you access to three articles of your choosing. Or better yet, $29,99/year gets you 30 articles of your choosing. I'd also add in a subscription to get the actual paper copy of the entire volume. You're averaging what, 2 to 3, volumes per year? In that case sign me up for $49,99/year with worldwide shipping.

AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member

How about adding a subscription structure? For example $1.99/month gets you access to three articles of your choosing. Or better yet, $29,99/year gets you 30 articles of your choosing. I'd also add in a subscription to get the actual paper copy of the entire volume. You're averaging what, 2 to 3, volumes per year? In that case sign me up for $49,99/year with worldwide shipping.


Hello Sander,

I sometimes get these questions but I am very hesitating. I'm not a company with high-heeled secretaries taking your subscription orders. I would have to do all myself and basically managing your money. To handle it on the website would be several 1000 euro's of website development cost minimum.

What I did do was add a 'package' product of the first 6 issues for € 99 including shipping, because it's a 'product' and I can handle that within the current web shop structure. So I may do that more in the future, but subscriptions is a whole new ball game.

Linear Audio is more a hobby thing that got out of hand and isn't really making any serious money so there's very little room for grand investments.

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