In cinema Director intended level is 7, do we need a fixed level in Stereo?

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Shower thought / half serious.

In cinema there is level "7" for the soundlevel the director intended for playback loudness. Every cinema is calibrated for this level. Microphone @ 2/3 of the auditorium, channels at 85dB at this level 7. Makes you wonder, this could be replicated for most classical records. ( At level x the sound is just as loud as it was when this was recorded 2/3 auditorium). Home cinema could be calibrated to 7. Even pop, rock, etc artist could use 7, for intended loudness.

Was this ever a discussion? It's all talk and dance about recreating a live event, level seems no point of discussion.
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It's not for one type of auditorium. The level is calibrated the same for every cinema worldwide. Dolby Fader level 7 = 85dB Pink noise playback level per screen channel in dB (C) at 2/3 auditorium. More serious, THX hometheater is a thing, but THX afaik misses a calibrated level "7", isn't that at least a bit strange?

For Harpsichord it would be a suprise to everyone who never heard the instrument life.
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A cinema is a type of auditorium. A living room in a house is a quite different type of auditorium. Watching a film and listening to music are two quite different activities, so there is no reason to assume that similar sound is required. I find film sound generally too loud and bass-heavy, and of course quite different from the sound you hear in a concert hall. It is the latter I want to hear in my house, not the former, although perhaps not quite as loud.
Linkwitz for example says:

"Differences in recording level become readily apparent in a high resolution sound system and require correction to optimize the illusionary sound image for distance and correct timbre. Thus, playback should be at realistic volume levels for the ear to function in the proper non-linear region, where it contributes the right amount of its own distortion and masking to strengthen the illusion of reality"

Personally I listen at lower levels most of the time. I feel my ears/brain adjust over time and "realistic" volume level is not my priory, comfort is.
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