India again -HD LCD projector .

Hii jayadev

I have decided to go your way as far as lcd is concerned for the reason that I want HDMI to intigrate the projection with my AVR. Will need your guidence in stripping the lcd. may i please have the specs of lcd and its dimensions so that i m able to decide upon the size of fresnels. What stage is ur PJ in. would like to see it in action. looking forward to see pics as realistic as possible...may be a nice video if possible.
heat has been well 05 numbers of fan from old PC.
that much was not required though but those fans were laying useless since a long time so i just found it for a better use.

one fan on top blows over the lamp to fresnel and rest of the fan pull air behind the lamp.

fresnel remain bit warm now but lcd stays cool even after 4 hours of movie.

the black spot was caused due to the weirdest reasons and that is due to the reflector behind the lamp.
the reflector was concentrating the light to fresnel and fresnel was focusing it to a very narrow area making the light and heat intense on the LCD .
the solution -the reflector was removed. reflector wont help much in my setup as the lcd is too big or may be some other exotic kind of focal would be required to spread the light from lamp evenly on lcd.
so two 4 inch 12v fans and one 5inch 230v fan are enough?
that would be more than sufficient. i am using four 4 inch and a five inch. i got 2 6inch also but it was not needed.

i used car headlight reflector (round ambassador car )and that was a villain.
the reason is the too much of overall focal length of converged light. so one has to be carefull choosing reflector. it acts like an undesired lens in front of lamp and lcd.
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hiii doubt. how would u control the light coming out of so many holes...that is to cater for 5 fans. I suppose even the light spilling out of one hole will be unbearable. Wont it spoil the show in a dark room?????

@ jayadev
Plz post some pictures of ur projector in action...preferably a comparision of HD and non HD content.
ohh sorry guys i took too long to reply...
when i posted the above it went for moderator approval and next day also it dint show up so i thought it may never show up. then i forgot password and forgot about the this thread...forgive me.

maxpower, the project is just in pretty wierd state as of now because i assembled and tested it in haste just to see how results are. and they were great hence couldn't take shots.
the hurdles are ,
400w MH lamp is as hot as sun. lcd display produce black spots due to heat , within seconds.

the projected image is 3 meter x 3 meter from a distance of 3 meter . too big for an average home. felt as if in front row of 70mm theater.

abhineo, initially i used 7 inch (rs.3500)display. but then it was too grainy and unpleasant to watch movies.
then i had three options,
use a 15 inch lcd monitor .
use a small chinese gaming ipad or android pad lcd which comes for 6000-9000 inr this was great idea but i cannot connect it to my present audio setup or dvd player.
then i googled and got a small lcd tv through ebay

i bought Curtis 13.3''lcd tv through ebay. it costs 124 dollars.
though it was dearer option but solved many of issues as it have remote controls,rgb inputs, blah blah.

the fresnel lens are from 3dlens,330mm and 220 mm focal 40 cm wide. i think front lens of 330 mm is not sufficient i may need 550 mm for it.

the reflector lamp shown in the figure is old one sorry for that, i uploaded by mistake.

for the reflector i used round headlamp reflector of public bus/ ambassador car. i cut the lamp hole bit larger to accommodate the mh lamp and voila light is higly focussed and intensity is stellar..good thing about car reflector is, it is metal and very shiny.

....will update regularly.

first of all thanks for your inputs, I have googled out but found only LED TV for curtis 13.3

Curtis 13.3″ LED TV HDMI Input 720P 1080I 500:1 | 1080p
Is that the only you used, it has only HDMI input and AV also.
I wanted to have HDMI and AV both basically to play games on PS3 and have 5.1 speakers setup, so looks me very good option. Your pic shows it is easy to strip also. isn't it?
Another thing, i have portable OHP and the bulb got fused. I am thinking to replace the circuit with MH 400 bulb. I checked in couple of local shops but they are too much bulky and can fit in my overhead projector. In pic your one looks me good in size too. can you tell me from where you bought the items? if online then would be great if you provide the link also.
I am currently in india, Pune.
first of all thanks for your inputs, I have googled out but found only LED TV for curtis 13.3

Curtis 13.3″ LED TV HDMI Input 720P 1080I 500:1 | 1080p

yes i am using exactly the same lcd tv, the led stands for backlight which is based on led here normal lcd's have plasma or some other kind of backlight.

believe me it was one of the easiest thing to strip down the this tv. just matter of removing screws and everything came out. no hooks or glues anywhere.

it has all sort of inputs from hdmi to vda ,rgb etc so connectivity is not an issue.
I checked in couple of local shops but they are too much bulky and can fit in my overhead projector.
it is normal mh lamp with screw type base 5000k colour temperature. and of course it is bulky almost a foot long with a heavy ballast. i bouth it from electrical shop whom sells light fixtures street lamps cables etc , i asked them metal hallide lamp and said "150-250-400 watts which you want?"- no big deal.!!

check out this lcd it looks like HD from indian based manufacturer.
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I have googled out but found only LED TV for curtis 13.3

Curtis 13.3″ LED TV HDMI Input 720P 1080I 500:1 | 1080p

hey man ... if U decide on buying it from tell me as well... we can buy together....

and JAYADEV.. how's the PJ performing???
I am really concerned about the picture quality. If the picture quality of commercial PJ and this PJ is comparable, I will go in for a DIY, and if the picture quality is not comparable or there is huge difference , then I would like to go for a commercial one......Plz update on the picture quality as soon as possible...and as stated earlier I am eagerly waiting for the pics of PJ in action

dennymushtang , i am so buzy with lot of things and travelling . not getting enough time to turn on pj .

Plz update on the picture quality as soon as possible...and as stated earlier I am eagerly waiting for the pics of PJ in action
picture quality is awesome and sharp.but the overall brightness is not satisfactory upto now (bad backlighting)

then I would like to go for a commercial one

tell me a single projector which displays original hd image for budget price under 25000 inr?
sorry,I think ,The low utilization ratio of light .
Why not try this lamp system ?
my first failed attempt was based on above pic. the light was too much focussed on lcd and almost burnt it (black spots on display)

first and most difficult thing to do is tame the mh light.
it has extremely high contents of UV and many other harmful radiations,which can give skin burns or permanently damage eyes. i felt burning sensation on hands at least for two days after playing around with it.

second thing is to understand that it is for the sake of good quality image at display if not properly lightened you get , dark corners , burnt colors,weird contrast and what not. sky will be white and black will be grey. to harness maximum light from mh lamp you should be damn serious about it.