Is it possible to cover the whole spectrum, high SPL, low distortion with a 2-way?

Peaks?! How compressed will your recordings be?
Pushing a horn much past a decade of operation at high SPL has never been considered "high fidelity"

Adding a driver doesn't limit, it expands. I believe I understand what you guys are point is if midrange is the meat...isn't this where it should pack the most punch. One thing that just came to mind is that if I do run dual woofers I will limit myself on how how high and how steep I place a XO....=(

Still, lets say I did it...and I crossed over at 300hz...
Plenty of headroom don't you think?


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Yes how high. How steep i don't get? Don't you planned dsp?

I think the 'compress' comment was relative to the crest factor of the material you plan to listen to.

This is the limitation and why i mentioned the freq of xover about the Kinoshita's.

I stated wrong info by the way: the Warp used 4x12" in dual juxtaposed arrangement. The Rm4 were juxtaposed 15" ( tl1601).

The most impressive 4 way i've heard used 2x12" juxtaposed below a th4001. After playing with simulator you can easily see why versus 2x15"...
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That's the horn also known as the ZXPC 10x18, available at this store for 10 bucks less.
They also sell the 11x17, a Selenium/JBL clone with somewhat narrower dispersion (contrary to the specified 90x40), but pretty good nonetheless.

The 10x18 is also sold by PRV Audio and available at PE.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Any more info on the comparison between ZXPC's 11x17 vs 10x18? Application is for ~500hz to 18khz for home use, possibly with a B&C DE750TN-8. Thanks!
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Adding a driver doesn't limit, it expands. I believe I understand what you guys are point is if midrange is the meat...isn't this where it should pack the most punch. One thing that just came to mind is that if I do run dual woofers I will limit myself on how how high and how steep I place a XO....=(

Yes it adds SPL but introduces quite a bit of side issues. The question as I see it is does the added SPL worth the additional issues with dual woofers.

For me I would say no. It's only a couple of dB at the top SPL end for added headroom. If your average listening level is in the 80's based on a previous post why go through the extra expense alone.

Also at 80dB the extra power handling is not needed. At that dB level what are you going to running average power wise into your drivers?? A couple of watts if that depending on listening distance.

You are saying close right so what 2-3 meters at best??

Rob :)
Its this idea that less excursion equates to higher SQ and the same principle for Direct Energy....Which with another woofer, I have half excursion and twice the surface area emitting energy. The slightly higher directivity and spreading of power is just sugar on dual 15 cake lol
Yes how high. How steep i don't get? Don't you planned dsp?

I think the 'compress' comment was relative to the crest factor of the material you plan to listen to.

This is the limitation and why i mentioned the freq of xover about the Kinoshita's.

I took GMs comment as me not needing much SQ above 86db because my music was so compressed lol...He said "How compressed is it!?" as in, geeze thats a lot of compression. Thats why I asked don't I still have enough headroom, in so many words, at least.

The issue they are attacking is the idea of adding more headroom to a specific part of the spectrum while not improving trebles headroom to "keep up". My point was to not look at headroom, because we already have plenty, and look at the potential increased resolution in a particular part of the spectrum. Listening at 80db will not reach for the limits of headroom in either situation....I'm not quite sure listening at 115db would either....the 115 number is dominated by bass in an evenly toned signal (pink noise). Looking at 1 meter.
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Ok Camplo.
Have you read the doc about Jbl monitors on Rob's link in previous page? I know it's old news but man... they produced some 2x18" 4 ways beasts at a period where spl wasn't reasonnable at all... they clearly state this is room and distance related.

I agree that with 1x15" you should have enough.
Its this idea that less excursion equates to higher SQ

Except that this isn't true.

If excursion related displacement nonlinearity is below audibility, then lowering the excursion does nothing for SQ. Perception of nonlinear distortion is not a linear thing, meaning that halving it does not double the SQ. SQ is unaffected until some point is reached at which time it becomes audible and then perception rises very quickly with more excursion.
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Its this idea that less excursion equates to higher SQ and the same principle for Direct Energy....Which with another woofer, I have half excursion and twice the surface area emitting energy. The slightly higher directivity and spreading of power is just sugar on dual 15 cake lol

Hello Camplo

Have you had any real life experience using 12" or 15" woofers with high sensitivity of 95dB or above in a home environment??

SD and excursion is simply not an issue especially with an 80Hz crossover point.

Good Luck

Rob :)
Joined 2009
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I'm not sure i would qualify the increase in directivity as an increase in SQ.
It's to broad statement presented this way... ( at least to me).
And you plan to x around 300hz so not sure you'll gain anything regarding directivity vs 1 anyway.

Tbh i would only see a benefit if you planned to use a 1w set tube amp but even then given the bandwidth in question i would question this choice too...
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240.53 cm^2? Are you serious, does this account for the hole in the middle?

No, wasn't aware/didn't devote any thought to it since the link I provided didn't have any views plus being on the Celestion site it seemed reasonable to assume that it was essentially accurate and from looking at a few dissection views that combined with the necessarily tight gap tolerances + low excursion that it essentially does act as a ~ one piece diaphragm.