JamJar: an HPA-1-inspired power amp


You know it...............




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Hi Carsten,

It's saved with 5.99 (the in-development version of 6.0). I suspect you're on 5.1.5.

You can download the nightly development build from the website: Download | KiCad EDA. But be warned: it is in active development so the nightlies can be buggy. The plus side is that you can report bugs so we can fix them. ;)

If you're not a FSU (fearless software user) then I can back-date the file (but that has to be done by hand).

Hi Jeff,

thanks and you're right with the version.
Now I use the nightly (5.99.0-1455-gd3296d2ed) and it works well.

No, not needed. I installed on my "Play Mac" under macOS Catalina (latest beta). ;-)

Nice Design, looks good and thanks for sharing.


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Got a pair of my regulators built and on the bench.


Can't really tell much; the signal is way below the noise floor of my oscilloscope.


Interestingly, the voltage is a good 2+ V higher than SPICE predicted. Not sure what that's all about, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

The regulator loses its lock at about 212V line voltage. My mains is nominally 230V, but I think Jam said he normally designs for fluctuations of 10% or more?

The CRC resistor and series pass transistor are barely warm, so I'd probably be better off with a bit more source voltage (48V secondaries instead of 46V)?


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Even though the negative side is mostly a mirror image I figured it deserved testing too. Interestingly it keeps its lock down to 210V (a slightly better figure than the positive side's 212V).

Output boards:



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