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Joachim Gerhard Filter Buffer for ES9022

Did someone speak about finished PCB? Of course its DIY. I think it would save much questions/answers if there would be a clear list of the items included in this GB on the first page of this thread.
There are only 3 links to threads with hundreds of postings; I tried for one hour to find out what it is about with this GB to no avail before I asked my question.
> Did someone speak about finished PCB? Of course its DIY.

I misread your post. My apologies.

> I think it would save much questions/answers if there would be a clear list of the items included in this GB on the first page of this thread.

The 3rd link of Post #1 will lead you to this :


which detailed our offer.

We had not had a problem with clarity of information after some 90+ subscriptions.
If you have a concrete, constructive suggestion as to what information is missing, we are of course more than happy to imrpove.

Best reagrds,
Last edited:
Apology accepted :cheers:

I followed the link above, which leads to page 10 of this thread. The actual information about this GB is at page 47, before the discussion is about the QA550, the dac itself and many other things. Now, after reading those 37 pages again, I figured out that only the transistors are included, and the PCB of course.
Concrete suggestion: putting the link to page 47 would be very time saving.
Or, as I wrote above, at page 1 a description like
What you will get:

1. PCB
2.matched fets, soldered

Very clear, no questions remain about that.
I remember being interested in this buffer weeks ago already, but giving up after 10 mins because I just could not get what it is about. Maybe this happened to others as well and they stayed away, who knows.

I do not want to appear as a nitpicker, but it was my frustrating experience of spending hours to find out, what it is about. I really appreciate your effort and the effort of all the people involved. I am very happy that a forum like this exists, with all those members creating wonderful circuits and stuff I could never afford as a commercial offer.
So, thanks for that!

And now I even want two PCB, :rolleyes: because a friend also wants one.

All the best,

> Concrete suggestion: putting the link to page 47 would be very time saving.


If you set your screen to display 50 post a page, you should end up at the same place as I intend you to.
At least when I click on the link, it gets me to the right post.
It is a forum configuration problem that I cannot fix.
The link I posted was actually linked to the post and NOT the page.

If you want to subscribe, please send a PM to Gogowatch, and he'll sort you out.

Schönen Gruss,
Ah, here we go...now it makes sense! I couldn't imagine why those links pointed into nirvana.
I didn't even know about this option, thanks for clearing that issue. Pm sent to Gogowatch, hope there is still something left.
I am really curious about this little bugger.

cheers, and thanks again,

If you can find a TO92 version of the BF862, as specified by Joachim, please let us know.

On top of that, Joachim is now convinced that the compact SMD layout of the buffer is responsible for its excellent performance.
He now prefers this to his previous reference BJT buffer.
Of course we at XEN have had experience with SMD for a long time, so we did not need any convincing.

