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Joachim Gerhard Filter Buffer for ES9022

The post of Boggy has NOTHING to do with this thread! When people are not able to copy and paste safely and in the correct place they should stay away from building audio gear! This happens again and again...

bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x

Running total 35
Bob, you are responding quickly ;)

Actually I have nothing to do with the JG Filter Buffer and the team devellopping it apart from the fact that I am interested to get my hands on another two boards.
EUVL is the man behind a possible Group Buy, and I am saying possible because there was no third round planned...

But as you see the list is growing at a steady pace so the required 50 pieces might be within distance. Only then EUVL will decide whether or not there will be another round...
all this being done in their free time. I also heard that the world is depleted from the required Fastron inductors :D
Hopefully some people get better reaction than others...

bkdog 2x

nopants 2x

misterrogers 1x

yoaudio 1x

RTD 1x

Stixx 2x

truepaul 1x

Bikeman 2x

PJN 2x


Bnorrish 2x

bcmbob 1x

Vegi71 1x EU

androa76 1X

rpafenberg 2X

suburra 1X

outriding 2x

Eric06 2x EU

Peja 1x

Djinn 1x

Cobra2 1x

jayce996 1x

Fusion123 1x

mepper 2x

Boggy62 x1 EU FR

Running total 36 ( when ok)
Joined 2010
Paid Member
bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x
Boggy62 x1 EU FR

Running total 36
bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x
Boggy62 x1 EU FR
Cmiu007 x4 EU RO

Running total 40
bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x
Boggy62 x1 EU FR
Cmiu007 x4 EU RO
cristi289 x1 EU RO

Running total 41
I'm in for 2.

bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x
Boggy62 x1 EU FR
Cmiu007 x4 EU RO
cristi289 x1 EU RO
freeman x2

Running total 43
Joined 2010
Paid Member
bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x
Boggy62 x1 EU FR
Cmiu007 x4 EU RO
Gooniman x2
cristi289 x1 EU RO
freeman x2

Running total 45
is the gb stil ongoing and room for a stereo set?

bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x
Boggy62 x1 EU FR
Cmiu007 x4 EU RO
Gooniman x2
cristi289 x1 EU RO
freeman x2

Running total 45
Pcb x3.

bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x
Boggy62 x1 EU FR
Cmiu007 x4 EU RO
Gooniman x2
cristi289 x1 EU RO
freeman x3

Running total 46
bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x
Boggy62 x1 EU FR
Cmiu007 x4 EU RO
Gooniman x2
freeman x3

Running total 45

I'm out, I got 2 in the meantime ...
bkdog 2x
nopants 2x
misterrogers 1x
yoaudio 1x
RTD 1x
Stixx 2x
truepaul 1x
Bikeman 2x
PJN 2x
Bnorrish 2x
bcmbob 1x
Vegi71 1x EU
androa76 1X
rpafenberg 2X
suburra 1X
outriding 2x
Eric06 2x EU
Peja 1x
Djinn 1x
Cobra2 1x
jayce996 1x
Fusion123 1x
mepper 2x
Boggy62 x1 EU FR
Cmiu007 x4 EU RO
Gooniman x2
freeman x3

Running total 43

Sorry guys, I'm out.
Got 2 from swap meet, thanks Korben and Palmito.