John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part III

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Home audio systems, including those tied into an outdoor cable/antenna/whatever requiring safety Earthing before entering the building, don't really need anything special to control safety ground interference loops. Everybody plugs into the same AC power strip, making all their safety ground loops local and negligibly small. The shield of the cable/antenna/whatever is also connected to the power strip's safety ground. Small local loop and can be reasonably lossless for signal.

All good fortune,
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Joined 2012
Last version of Monster HTPS-7000 with bal/unbal transformer switch and GFI outlets.

Grounding and surge for CATV coax and telephone also shown (as per Chris H. comments).

549467-monster_cable_htps_7000_mkii_signature_series_powercenter.jpg ucarecdn.audiogon.png

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...I note that HDMI to single mode converter pairs start at around $140. Wrong point in the chain for many of us, but might be of interest for those with home theatre rigs.

I had a lightning event which started at my TV, followed both HDMI and ethernet cables into my house networks and wiped out a metric $#!tton of stuff. My TV is now isolated via both optical HDMI:
and optical Ethernet:
Fiber to Ethernet Media Converter | FS Fiberstore

I rest a tiny bit easier...


Funny but great reference! I wonder if Reich was an audiophile? Anyway such a great band...we almost got Nik Turner's Space Ritual here for ProgDay...but apparently US Customs frown on admitting people with drug raps...

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