
Since there's been a bit of interest in these things lately, I went and corrected a couple of small errors in the drawings, and updated the names. Just forget the old joke names, those were never intended beyond an audience of about 3-4 people... :D I plan to delete the old drawings to avoid confusion. They were basically draft versions anyway. This may screw up some links in the other threads.

Anyway, here are the links to the plans. They can be downloaded under 'More' on the menu.

Karlsonator "6"

Karlsonator "8"

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
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W8-1772 in 12 in Karlsonator

I have seen many photos of Freddi using W8-1772 in a K15 or K12. I will run a sim of it in a Karlsonator and we will see. My guess is that it will work very well. I will post later.

Here is the simulation. First plot is freq response in stock 12 in Karlsonator (full size, smaller did not work as well). It has a nice flat bass shelf and great SPL, but the higher bass and mids are a bit bright. Second plot, I boosted the vent by 2X scale to increase the bass output to balance it out but still not enough. It can work with a BSC or EQ'ing I think. Third plot and fourth plot are impedance and cone displacement, respectively.


  • Karlsonator-W8-1772-Freq-1m-1X-vent.png
    34.9 KB · Views: 5,499
  • Karlsonator-W8-1772-Freq-1m-2X-vent.png
    23.6 KB · Views: 5,443
  • Karlsonator-W8-1772-Impedance-1m-2X-vent.png
    28 KB · Views: 5,363
  • Karlsonator-W8-1772-Displ-1m-2X-vent.png
    27 KB · Views: 5,360
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Thanks for the sim and info, that was quick. I have them currently in a Bob Brines TL with a line level bsc so that doesn't concern me.

Can you explain what you mean by boosting the vent? Is that the space between the top of the fold and the top of the speaker? Also, if using a bsc which would work better? Is the vent something I can experiment with, or would that take a seperate build?

Thanks again
Founder of XSA-Labs
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You are welcome. The vent is the narrow top constriction leading to the front chamber. The easiest way to make that bigger is to slightly reduce the length if the closed end of the TL top. An inch or two won't be that noticeable and it will expand the vent gap. You can then fine tune the gap by adding strips of plywood or whatever to reduce the cross sectional area. Line level bsc is best if you have it already. Good luck.
Any chance we could get some shortlist driver suggestions and some ballpark response curves (or at least what the low end curve is like) for each size? Makes it a real easy one-stop thread for interested people starting to toy with Karlsonators. I noticed the 8 had a couple options in the description.
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Most of the sims are posted in the Mini Karlson or Speaker that Kicks Butt threads. If someone wants to compile all the sims I have done, fine. I would rather spend my time doing new sims than collecting results. If you have a driver you are interested in, post a request and I will see if I can run a sim for you. Most any driver with moderate 0.35 to high Qts of 0.90 will work fine. Low Qts drivers work too but not needed to keep expense low.
Another question. The original Karlson's had quite a "Danish Furniture" look to them and is one of the reasons I like them ( apart from the sound advantages down low ). The thing is, the Paragon also has that "Danish Furniture" look!!!
So the question is, if I built two of the two x FF225WK Karlsons , yeah I know it is probably a waste of those particular speakers but I have them, If used up to about 300 - 350Hz is the dispersion at those frequencies OK for using in a Paragon type enclose? As you can see I am an admirer of that 1960s furniture look!!! I guess I need replies from those who have been around for awhile.
How important are restrictions in the horn, Vs if the horn were to expand smoothly
to the point where Karlson slot continues the expansion? You've probably seen the
tall 18 drawing I occasionally post. With twin stubs similar to karlsonator, but not
with those two internal points of restriction...

Or perhaps mini karsonator's guts make such a short horn, that restrictions are
necessary to make sure it doesn't act as short as it looks? What am I missing?


Is the wing brace also a shelf? It is comforting to read that someone has obstructed
directly behind the KSlot and interfered with continuity to no disastrous consequence.
As I was wanting to brace the wings with a shelf and 45deg washplate, I did worry
that I might need to cutout away from the slot. Maybe now that's not necessary???
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Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
How important are restrictions in the horn, Vs if the horn were to expand smoothly to the point where Karlson slot continues the expansion? You've probably seen the tall 18 drawing I occasionally post. With twin stubs similar to karlsonator, but not with those two internal points of restriction...

The Karlsonator is a ML-TQWT so that the constriction at the top has a significant impact on the bass extension. Make it big, you get more SPL but higher tuning frequency and make it smaller, less SPL and deeper bass.

Or perhaps mini karsonator's guts make such a short horn, that restrictions are necessary to make sure it doesn't act as short as it looks? What am I missing?

Yes, the Karlsonator is a short TQWT horn, and the constriction is needed to mass load (ML) it so it doesn't "act" as compact as it is. On the mini K'nator that I have it is about 15 in tall, with some more constriction, I can get it down to probably 55 Hz which would normally require a much bigger folded box without the ML.

Is the wing brace also a shelf? It is comforting to read that someone has obstructed directly behind the KSlot and interfered with continuity to no disastrous consequence. As I was wanting to brace the wings with a shelf and 45deg washplate, I did worry that I might need to cutout away from the slot. Maybe now that's not necessary???

Go ahead and add the brace, it is more important for it to be stiff, the effects of it blocking sound waves in the sub 300 Hz range is not as important. I saw this when I noticed how I can approximate the K slot with 9 rather "jagged" rectangular ports stacked on top of one another. Making it 14 ports did not change it much.
Another question. The original Karlson's had quite a "Danish Furniture" look to them and is one of the reasons I like them ( apart from the sound advantages down low ). The thing is, the Paragon also has that "Danish Furniture" look!!!
So the question is, if I built two of the two x FF225WK Karlsons , yeah I know it is probably a waste of those particular speakers but I have them, If used up to about 300 - 350Hz is the dispersion at those frequencies OK for using in a Paragon type enclose? As you can see I am an admirer of that 1960s furniture look!!! I guess I need replies from those who have been around for awhile.

Funny you should mention Paragon and Karlson together. Look at what I roughly sketched a couple of years back for kicks:

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.