Low-Cost PMC-inspired TL Monitor with DC130A and DC28F

Waking this thread up from its slumber.....

I have recently got back to this speaker and I am throughly enjoying it. It started out good although a bit rough which I put down to "newness"
After around 15 hours of play they suddenly smoothed out, first one speaker and the other maybe an hour later, almost like a switch was flicked.
I am not going to say they are the greatest speakers but they are great. (I did make a small change in the speakers in that I have my terminus at the back instead of the front).

The standout is the bass of course, that's what the TL design is really all about.
If I played some e.g. double bass at highish volume you would be hard pressed to believe you were listening to a pair of 5.25 drivers but not only is the bass full, but tuneful as well. I have them around 5 feet into the room and maybe 4 feet from the side walls. The mids and highs are good as well although sometimes I find the mids conflicting, as in sometimes better than at other times, seems to depend upon the music but no complaints.
I have yet to play with speaker positioning which may well sort it all out.

I am using a new "toy" amplifier https://rslspeakers.com/rogersound-labs-ia255-1-integrated-amplifier/ but it's a toy only in stature. When you hear this thing and look at it, it does not compute. It sounds somewhat akin to my Nuforce DDA120 (but only when DDA120 is using a digital source into the DDA digital input, that's the only time it sounds good - no analog conversion) but this little RSL amp adds real bass and is dead quiet.

I am still awaiting a Mouser order to repair my second Latfet amplier (also got additional Latfet's so can parallel outputs once again) so once I have stereo will try them with these speakers which should help them sound even better - more power / current...... I hope;)

Of course I want more and wonder what an all out assault speaker in this format could offer given high quality drivers?
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I made a TL with Purifi 6.5in and same tweeter in a waveguide. It does sound better and can play louder but there is still a place for a 5.25in TL in my book for most uses around the house. I tried with a better woofer using SB13PFC25-8. Some smoother midrange clarity is gained. I think a ScanSpeak Revelator might be worth trying at some point.

I have also tried a 6.5in aluminum cone Wiggins XBL woofer and a ribbon tweeter in a TL. Results were impressive.

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Thanks for that X,
At 5 Inch Revelator prices ($200+), I would rather go 6-7 inch although I am intrigued.
Do you have experience with the 5 inch Revelator line?
Are they that much better than other speakers for half the price?
Any other suggestions?
I must admit I like the 5.25 inch form factor.
If I went this route would you be willing do create a crossover?

Do you have any other versions of the 6.5TL with other drivers and crossover?
I was going through your posts and that 6.5in aluminum cone Wiggins XBL woofer appears to have been an oem product.
The extra efficiency would be nice and the box is not that much larger than the 5 inch version.
Just thinking out loud.

Thanks again
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I have not worked with Revelator but I hear they are good. Another great option is the Peerless 6.5in NE180W-08. I have those in hand but have yet to develop a XO for them. I think they have a smooth midrange and should sound great. Deep bass reach too. Not too expensive.

I would be willing to develop a XO for it with RST28F. If you have another tweeter in mind, I can do it if you send me a pair.
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FWIW, I've used a Revelator 18W/8531G-00 in a couple of TL builds, one a 3-way and the other a 2-way. In the 2-way (the Brioso), the Revelator was coupled with a Transducer Labs tweeter. The Brioso took first place in the Over-$200 category in the Speaker Design Competition at PE's 2017 MWAF. This Revelator driver is really hard to beat overall. It is expensive but worth every cent IMO. I've attached my write-up for this design (an article about the Brioso was later published in AudioExpress magazine). In the write-up you'll see that my friend and fellow speaker builder, Dan Neubecker, designed the crossover, and he said it was the easiest crossover to date he had ever designed, taking only 3 iterations.


  • Brioso writeup2.pdf
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Hello again X,

Would the Peerless 6.5in NE180W-08 fit in your 6.5" TL?
Any changes?
P.E. is out of stock at the moment.
If the Peerless 6.5in NE180W-08 fits in your TL I could start on the enclosure and get the drivers when available.
The RST28F sounds fine to me.
Thanks for the crossover development offer.

Thanks again
Founder of XSA-Labs
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FWIW, I've used a Revelator 18W/8531G-00 in a couple of TL builds, one a 3-way and the other a 2-way. In the 2-way (the Brioso), the Revelator was coupled with a Transducer Labs tweeter. The Brioso took first place in the Over-$200 category in the Speaker Design Competition at PE's 2017 MWAF. This Revelator driver is really hard to beat overall. It is expensive but worth every cent IMO. I've attached my write-up for this design (an article about the Brioso was later published in AudioExpress magazine). In the write-up you'll see that my friend and fellow speaker builder, Dan Neubecker, designed the crossover, and he said it was the easiest crossover to date he had ever designed, taking only 3 iterations.

Thank you for the suggestion, Paul. Great looking design and gives me some more motivation to try a Revelator.

The NE180W-8 should work well in the current TL designed for the Purifi. The TS parameters are in-family and should be fine. I am not sure if the cutout hole diameter is a drop in fit though. I’ll have to check carefully. If using the RST28F, I would recommend the WG-300 waveguide that was used with the Purifi.

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Thanks Paul and Motokok.


Let me look around some more.

I see it (Peerless) on eBay but I am in the Caribbean and getting it looks to be an issue so I rather purchase something from an established company with international shipping. I usually get drivers from Madisound.

Solen.ca does not have it.

Digikey has the peerless but only in lots of 504 and multiples thereof (Group Buy!).

In the meantime I found this


Many thanks X, that is good news.
I am now thinking of purchasing the CSS Criton 1TD-X Kit and using the drivers and crossover.
The CSS kit enclosure is the same 8.5 inches wide and there appears to be space for the drivers without issue so would just use the supplied crossover.
Need to mull over a few other things on the weekend and convert your cabinet to a rear terminus and I should be good to go.
Peterasaad, if you can get the DC130 as recommended by "X" (or something similar) then give the speaker a try. It does sound good and the 5-1/4" driver sounds bigger than you would believe. I have been seriously thinking about a bigger version that "X" also designed using a 6.5 inch driver but I keep thinking about this smaller version, I really enjoy it. I still want to try a top of the line ~ 5" driver but am just halving trouble with spending $200-$300 or more on a ~5" driver.
I am however still looking around and mulling it over in my head.
I have read great things about the Scanspeak 15WU but it's closer to $400 than $300. I don't think it will happen:)

6" - 7" drivers are more common and lower priced. I have gone so far as to draw out the 6.5" version on a side panel with my preferred rear terminus (the PTT6.5 cabinet by "X", just moved the terminus to the back).

I doubt you would be disappointed with this low cost TL it is still very impressive.

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Thank you.
I know that about crossover.
I will use active crossover for this project.
but do you find that sb13pfc25r-8 produce enough bass ?

Yes. Plenty for most applications. Average room size 4m x 5m and SPL circa 75dB to 80dB is great and no sub woofer needed.

Anecdotally, a friend told me that he was playing this TL speaker in his setup and it was setup next to his large floorstanding 3 way speakers (Klipsch) and his friend thought that the sound was playing from the large towers. They sound much larger than they look.
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