LSK pre - BAF 2013

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
sorry, I was referring to schm in post #1

if you look at schm in post #66 , that would be R1

schm from #66:


I will use r2r volume atteunator between my dac and lks pre (12v)

As far as as i know low value pot is better if source is suitable with it.

My dac zout is 1.6v 700ohm
The imput impwdance 12v lsk pre is 100k

I make r2r attenuator resistor configration (in the attachments) according to configrator here below;

Do you thing this configration is correct?


  • Screenshot_20191217-224750_Samsung Internet.jpg
    Screenshot_20191217-224750_Samsung Internet.jpg
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1. My power supply is very stable and close to preamp pcb also i have caps right after power supply. Do i still need 10R resister and 47uF capasitor at 12v inputs?

2. Min 5uF output capacitor suggested for 22K ohms input impedance power amplifier. Is there any way to not use it?

3. my dac output 600 ohm and 12v version is 101k ohm (1K+100K) input impedance.
can i lower it to any value i want lets say 5k ohm?
Is it effect other components or only replace 100k with 4k is enough?
If i lower input impedance is it also have any positive effect for not using output capacitor?


  • LSKpre diy.png
    LSKpre diy.png
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1. You do not NEED these. Although they help prevent harmful interaction between the preamp and power supply. They are optional.

2. You need the caps to prevent dc on output unless you can find a way to prevent thermal drift in the bjt transistors. That means heat sink or thermal coupling. Or you can design a dc servo. I would use the caps. Not a big deal.

3. Why would you want to lower the input impedance? Higher is better no matter what you dac’s output impedance is. It will have no effect on dc stability and the need for caps on output.
Hello Juma,
Here is a layout for preamp as per post nr. 485.
I have retained the same LM7812/7912 supply as per below preamp. is it ok?

Preamp ideas for F5


version with 10 ohm rail resistors, decoupling caps ,and also output caps and resistors.


  • BAF2013-PRE-10ohm supply.png
    BAF2013-PRE-10ohm supply.png
    53 KB · Views: 440
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