microTower bipolar ML-TL for CHR-70 or EL70

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Bracing top to bottom with holey braces, alternating directions (front-back, side-side).

You notion about the bass filtering is a good one.

Play with the stuffing a bit as well - to be honest, our two pairs weren't built to accommodate easy adjustment of the fill, so we've not had the opportunity to play with that. It'd probably be easier for me to build another pair than retrofit these, but to be honest they sound good enough ( EL70s in my case) that I'm happy to leave well enough alone.

how often does a DIYer say that?

The only shortcoming of this speaker is that in a large room they are not quite loud enough on some metal music I want to crank up. Jazz, classical, vocals are all fine. If I continue to love these, I might try designing a larger box for something like an Alpair 10 to try to get a bit more volume.


Beautiful build congrats!

These Alps are very revealing and tend to bring out the harshness and noise in metal music... I have Alp 12s. I've had best results playing around with the digital EQ - in the parametric EQ software of my sound card I cut 3 dB in mids and 3 dB from top, and 2-3 dB boost in bass makes a lot metal/hard rock enjoyable.

For metal I think either a FAST system would be good. Or maybe the new CHP-70 which has a rolled off top and warm sound.
chrisb , the comparison...

chris, thanks for the comments. As I originally thought (Castle style micro-towers vs. CHR70eN Primes), but without having ever heard any of the micro-towers tough to be sure. I have no clue what folks who feel that the bass is lacking on the CHR70eN' enclosures are talking about. I find the bass quite satisfying with the Primes (or do we write it ken' , Dave? ;) ). Regarding the use of sub(s) with any speaker system:
  • a pair is always better than one
  • TL style subs with dedicated amplifier and cross-overs makes a ton of sense.
Any who discount a pair of subs vs. a single one, suggesting that there is no imaging information in the bass region has probably never listened to a stereo pair of subs vs. a single. The effect is not subtle and cannot be overstated. Stands are more expensive than the additional materials to make a micro tower enclosure pair vs the ken'pair. Thanks for clarifying and providing the comparison chris.
Tweaks for EPI M-75

Here are the pic's of the EPI M-75
Peter C.


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Hello planet10:
Do you mean adding ERT26 tweeters? If that's what you mean what value cap. should I use? I want to add better wire and remove the fibreglass. By removing the fibreglass can I replace it with the acoustic stuffing adding the same amount and located in the same area?

Have I asked too many questions?
Peter C.
Hello planet10:
Do you mean adding ERT26 tweeters?


If that's what you mean what value cap. should I use?
- sorta depends on how low you want to roll them in - I'd suggest starting around 6K or so, and cause I'm lazy, I'd use something like this calcuator:

2-Way Crossover Designer / Calculator

I want to add better wire and remove the fibreglass. By removing the fibreglass can I replace it with the acoustic stuffing adding the same amount and located in the same area?
that'd be a good place to start, but keep in mind that the originals were a very low budget product designed to "amaze your friends" with the SPL and (mid)bass attainable from such a little box, and were not optimally tuned, so you might end up adding more than the original 'glass

Have I asked too many questions?
Peter C.
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Joined 2001
Paid Member
Hello planet10:
Do you mean adding ERT26 tweeters? If that's what you mean what value cap. should I use? I want to add better wire and remove the fibreglass. By removing the fibreglass can I replace it with the acoustic stuffing adding the same amount and located in the same area?

Have I asked too many questions?

You'd have to play around a bit. I can't recall where EPI xoed in the MT2, i'd guess you want to look at 1-4 uF. I'm going to start with 2 on our CHP70.3 microTowers (after i coax Chris to rebate for them)
You can use well fluffed out polyfluff or UltraTouch or similar. You'll need to play a bit.As they are with the fiberglass they are probably a little underdamped.
No such thing as too many questions. :)

I don't know when I will have time to play with them but restuffing is a easy start.
I have a tri-amp setup and will test at what setting the crossover freq. sound best by using a bi-amp setup. I have the Behringer CX3400.
I will buy the tweeters in the near future, but for now I have a cheap pair that sound pretty good and go with those for now. I was thinking of mounting them in a small housing of some sort and place them on top of the cab. I don't want to start cutting holes in them right now.
Peter C.
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