Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs

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Yes, and you could try making them different lengths or even cutting some holes in the end slowly to see how that changes the character from sealed TL to quarter wave open ended TL. Sounds like fun. Do you have a measurement rig?

I bet you are listening to your new speakers as you type? :) Tried the Pass ACA yet? I am really curious to your assessment of how that amp sounds on a speaker I know. I am wondering if the ACA has enough oomph to drive these rather inefficient drivers.
Sadly Yes. The worse of all the combinations. The music is flat and dry. The ACAs sound better through the Sunflowers and my DIY bench set. The Ks sound better with the MyRef amps. Doesn't make sense but maybe the ACAs just don't have the juice to fill in the spectrum. Very surprised and dissapointed.

I have been doing some videos, but I lost my full internet and am using a Sprint Hotspot for this message. You can try this one but I get lots of pauses and sync offsets on the Hotspot. It should be downloadable also. It starts with the FE/K combo and fades to the FE/Sunflower set. I have several more but need to check them at full speed tomorrow.

BTW: The bass between 40 and 60 on this one is that full room vibrating dance pad. It is good through the Ks but is short of the physical impact of the bigger (8") driver. Still very impressive.
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Yes, All MyRef FE but K and Sunflower versions. I did not touch the volume slider throughout all recordings.

The program is quite sensitive on the iPad and I believe accurate. I'll do some more when I can get the noise floor as low as possible. There is a free version for both Andriod and iPhone so you can check for yourself. I popped for the $7 full version.
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FE = MyRef Fremen Edition Power Amp.
K = Dual Vifa FC speakers just completed.
Sunflowers are three way OB speakers with 8" woofer.

I was trying to show both the general response of the Dual Vifa K build and a chance to compare that to a larger high end set of speakers. The Latin piece is a combo of both speakers on one track with a fade between. The orchestral recordings are separate but cover basically the same source segment selection.
40 Hz from a 3.5" driver? Crazy! I recently bought a 3" Fountek driver (fe85 Fountek FE85 3" Full Range Driver | 296-717) to play around with, but so far no real joy. I have a plan to try a folded FC TQWT with it. Do you think there's a Karlsonator out there for this driver? Similar parameters (including Fs of 125Hz for this and the Vifa) except Xmax is a bit lower. That's all according to manufacturer's specs... Hmmmm.
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I will run a sim for you to see optimal size scaling for a Karlsonator with the Fountek. Looks like a neat driver but with a lower Qts my guess is that the box will be smaller and fb will be a bit higher. Get some of those Vifa's if you get a chance as they are at a great price and nice to have around. I have used them in about 7 different alignments and many with success.
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Yes, the Vifa makes a superb 25 driver line array with appropriate EQ'ing. There is a thread called Cloning IDS-25. I have worked on the active EQ circuit design with Bob Richards on that thread ( The driver when driven as a parallel/series 25 array acts as if it has the displacement of a 15 inch woofer but with the speed of a 3.5 in driver. In a sealed enclosure with enough power and equalization, it has a flat response from 30 Hz to 18 kHz with perfect impulse response. This would be the ultimate speaker for me to build if I ever got around to having a work shop. Sadly, I don't think FC will work for such as large enclosure. Wesayso is building his variant of this speaker in the "Two Towers" thread. Here is my sim of a 25-Vifa array without EQ. You can see that there is plenty of xmax that can be boosted with EQ to produce a flat profile down to 30 Hz.

Here is the EQ profile needed:


Given that Vifa's are $10 ea, now may be the time for buying qnty 50 for this project in the future before they sell out.
Founder of XSA-Labs
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40 Hz from a 3.5" driver? Crazy! I recently bought a 3" Fountek driver (fe85 Fountek FE85 3" Full Range Driver | 296-717) to play around with, but so far no real joy. I have a plan to try a folded FC TQWT with it. Do you think there's a Karlsonator out there for this driver? Similar parameters (including Fs of 125Hz for this and the Vifa) except Xmax is a bit lower. That's all according to manufacturer's specs... Hmmmm.


The FE85 can work in a 12 in tall Karlsonator that is 5 in wide. So scale the plans by 0.4x but when you cut the pieces make them 5 in wide (internally). Use a dual driver setup - you will find that the front panel where the drivers are mounted is too short to fit 2 drivers - extend it an inch or so as needed to fit the drivers - it won't affect the design too much - part of the liberties one takes in modifying a design way off plan. You may need a high pass filter above 40 Hz to limit excursion if you have content below that. It should work though.

Good luck!


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