Mini Karlsonator (0.53X) with Dual TC9FDs

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Great progress McTavish. I have a pair of 0.4x mini Karlsonators with 3FE25's in the kitchen hooked up to a $5 TDA7297 amp as a speaker for iPhones and such and my wife loves them. She uses it all the time, although I have then mounted up above the cabinets aimed down so they are out of the way. Fills the kitchen with great sounding music. Can get louder than I need. Since they were small, wifey says they stay.
Both of my parents are nearing retirement, and they'd want to start a sort of home theatre/music lounge or something at home. I wonder if they're the right cabinets for these purposes. I have seen Mr. x posted the response somewhere and they look good, though I worry if it might be overkill for 4 or 5 of the 0.4x in a room 15'x15' with a 12' ceiling.

Plus, they do go with the look of my parents' house.

If I worry too much, forgive me. I'm new to this. :D
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Both of my parents are nearing retirement, and they'd want to start a sort of home theatre/music lounge or something at home. I wonder if they're the right cabinets for these purposes. I have seen Mr. x posted the response somewhere and they look good, though I worry if it might be overkill for 4 or 5 of the 0.4x in a room 15'x15' with a 12' ceiling.

Plus, they do go with the look of my parents' house.

If I worry too much, forgive me. I'm new to this. :D

Go for it - the 0.4x's are small. :)

"Wife comes in; "hey honey, those look complicated.... and big.... where are they gonna go? I hate them already...."

Some things change, some never do.:)

LOL. Oh well. Consider some nice grill cloth. Convince her that they are decorative plant stands you made just for her... :D

RE the stuffing:

I suggest adding felt to at least one side behind the driver, and perhaps also to the bottom few inches of the back panel.

The cork on the reflector above the driver baffle is likely to both clean up the sound and reduce the mid treble response. With the FE206EN, that's likely a good thing, as it typically needs a notch filter to deal with the breakup region in more common applications. Still, if it sounds too dull, you could shellac the cork to brighten the sound. (etc)

"Wife comes in; "hey honey, those look complicated.... and big.... where are they gonna go? I hate them already...."

Some things change, some never do.:)

Just show her these:

But if she likes them you'd be in trouble! :rolleyes:

I am trying two B&C 15HCX76 in Karlsons. Sound excellent.
Also tried a 15 N75 Chinese bass speaker { QTS of 0.26}with separate compression driver. Sounds great yet, in reflex cabinet sounded bass lite.
What T&S parameters work best in the Karlsons


  • 15CXN76-1.pdf
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Founder of XSA-Labs
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I am trying two B&C 15HCX76 in Karlsons. Sound excellent.
Also tried a 15 N75 Chinese bass speaker { QTS of 0.26}with separate compression driver. Sounds great yet, in reflex cabinet sounded bass lite.
What T&S parameters work best in the Karlsons

A Karlson (like a K15) is an 8th order bandpass and different than the Karlsonator in this thread. The Karlsonator is a mass loaded TQWT with bandpass output K aperture. The Karlson, proper, likes low Qts (less than 0.35) powerful motor drivers as you have seen. The Karlsonator is more forgiving and works with all sorts of Qts from 0.3 to 0.9.
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Hey X, I didn't know that about the Karlsonator. Help me understand the term "bandpass output K aperture"

Since the TL output passes over the front face of the driver, albeit with lots of leakage due to the Karlson aperture getting wider and wider - this feedback of the rear side of the driver to the front side of the driver causes a mild band pass effect. That is, it may reduce the HF extension in a similar way to a tapped horn or a slot loaded band pass sub. The effect is less pronounced with small drivers sitting in a large K aperture. However, on a box with a larger driver that fills up and extends deeper up into the K aperture top, there will be more of an effect if a low pass filter from having the sound from the back pass the front of the cone.
Ah, very good X. that makes a lot of sense. I was listening to the Fostex 206 (or 208 maybe) last weekend and it seems a little shrill above 7khz so would the band pass in this case knock that down some??? Also, it was really beamy, so how would the slanted face of the driver affect the off axis response if it was not pointed straight at me?
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The K-aperture in a Karlsonator should reduce the highs and smooth out the frequency response profile even. The lens effect of the K-aperture should reduce beaming. It does a lot of nice things, however, there will be a little bit of coloration (some dips in the mid range - mild effect). Lining the inside of the K-aperture and the front chamber with felt can reduce the dips.