Miscellaneous designs - Markaudio, Fostex, TB, Dayton, SEAS etc

Hello! Now that MAOP 10.2 is starting to be sold in several parts of Europe at better prices, several will surely buy them. Is there any possibility to develop alternative boxes for this unit MAOP 10.2? I've been looking for an alternative, but I can't find anything. Scottmoose do you have time with any suggestions for suitable boxes? Thanks.
As far as I know, end-pricing is largely down to the distributor & their margins. Markaudio do not knowingly flog defective product, which would be of questionable legality (to say nothing of the moral side). What they have done though is release more product worldwide. Until recently most of the the MAOP units went to Japan so the units were special-order in other regions, assuming the factory could even supply them. An increasing number of people elsewhere started asking dealers to carry the drivers though -enough to produce more batches of drivers than before, and with greater availability / scales, so you have more margin to play with.
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There is no 'hope' about it -like their drivers or not, one thing that MA cannot be accused of is illegally selling seconds or the like misrepresented as other than they are. Reputable brands do not do that. Not unless they want to find themselves on the wrong side of a lawsuit.

Now, as for 'weird', it isn't. As stated above, the MAOP units are not series production drivers, but made in batches when sufficient orders from dealers justify it. The 10, having been around for a number of years, is not produced as often, so they don't carry it on their site as availability is relatively sporadic.
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Specs? T/S parameters of MAOP 10.2?
Taken from the KJF website photo of the 2 drivers then averaged:/QUOTE]

Looks like i wil have to finish developing the 11 litre box. Even without looking at the other A10x, this one is quite different, wanting 13 litres (A10.3) or 17 litres (A10.2/A10p).

Close enuff to work in FHXL, a new Pensil may be required, new miniOnkens definitely.
