Monophonic speakers

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Mono can bring benefits when listening to older recordings.

For example, The Beatles would focus on the mono mixes of their tracks rather than the stereo mixes as the majority of the public of the day would be listening to their songs on mono AM radio and mono portable record players.

Since The Beatles intended for their music to be heard in mono, their recordings can sound more powerful and dynamic in mono than in stereo.
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Joined 2015
Well of course its artificial (not artifact, get your nomenclature straight). That's why it sounds even better than two mic recording. Not to mention, most of the instruments in popular music are electronic, not acoustic. Not even possible direct two mic recording.

With my system I enjoy amazing amount of spatial recognition, even "see" the whole music group in front of me.

Sound engineers work hard for months to make that happen. When you press that "mono" button, you ruin it. That should be illegal. You should go to jail for that! :)
There is a reason why we have two ears.
Those who are not listening in 7.1 channels , should they be lapidated ?


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I have a 5.1 DML panel set up. I wanted to see how my center channel (24inchX16inch) DML panel sounded by itself. My first initial thought was its probably going to sound awful but when I did try it out I was pretty much floored. DML panels have great soundstage and imaging so even a single panel playing on its own can fill my 12X12 room and sound great off axis even when sitting in the corner of my room.

My center channel DML panel lays horizontally, instead of vertically like my main DML panels. It consist of 3 exciters on the panel....1 exciter used as full range while the other 2 exciters are used as tweeters...The full range exciter is placed in the middle while the other 2 exciters used as tweeters are placed at opposite ends fairly close to the top corners of the panel.

What floored me about a single panel is the coherency especially in the vocals/voices....I always thought 2 channel had the best coherency but a single panel is just a tad bit better....What it lacks is that good stereo separation effect as well as less 3d soundstage and imaging when compared to 2 stereo panels....then again that is what a center channel speaker is for vocals.

Also not to mention that DML panels are open baffle Bi-polar type of loudspeakers that radiate sound from the front and back.
Joined 2008
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The space that should not be. I am more into Lovecraft:)

The conclusion on my side would be, that single speaker mono is not the WTG. Mino recordings sound better to me on two loudspeakes.

And even better, back to back speakers in a corner ate mind of magic even with cheap stuff. Hi quality speakers can get the same effext in the standard stereo triangle.

So I would say that this corner placement is ideal for low-to-med quality speakers.
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I have just discovered, that in the mono experiment I had one of the speakers out of phase, maybe that is why I heard the space that did not really exist.

I did that once, the effect was very strong and surreal - it was like the sound was eminating from this void in space that was disconnected from the speakers, weird and quite amazing at the time.
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