MSB Platinum Link

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What you need

Gustard U12 Xmos USB, perhaps?
Hi Gyuri
Here is exactly what you need but still not offered as stand alone unit. Is the XHRA-2HPA USB2.0 processor of XMOS and the associated parts. It provides both I2S and S/PDIF outputs. The only limitation is that supports DSD up to 128Fs. PCM up to 384KHz is supported. I have study very well and i'm going to built it next month, or when i will have available the parts, the 4 layer PCB and a programming tool for the quad speed flash memory in which will be stored the firmware. The firmware can be modified to support any DAC converter through I2C protocol or through the GPIO outputs.


  • XHRA-2HPA.png
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Thanks brother Fotis,
I'm really curious about your development.
I must have to say, at the moment I'm thinking of to buy a WaveIO board from Lucian.
It is obvious it can be drive MSB Platinum Link DAC via S/PDIF.
It would be the most comfortable solution.
However I don't know, how I can drive it with a 192kHz signal.
As I stated it earlier, it can't be possible via S/PDIF.
I am not convinced, that it can be processing 192kHz signal at all.
The manual is rather vague in this regard:
"To play a 24/192 disc the Platinum only needs an input option installed to be fully compatible."
It didn't say it explicitly, what would be this option?
Later there is a description, that MSB Network capable to play 192kHz:
"The MSB Network supports 4 stereo channels of 192k data at once."
But this statement is explicitly about MSB Network, not this DAC.
So I'm confused. :confused:
As always. ;)

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Hi Gyuri
Obviously the MSB network is an add-on module. In manual there is a picture of a cable terminated with XLR and RJ45 plugs for use with the MSB. And is clearly refered that you couldn't transfer a 192KHz stream to DAC without this module. You have to buy it. In this link there is explanation:
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Dear Fotis,
Thank you for your reply.
Life is not so easy, you know it well.
I have read this manual earlier.
It is an output modul.
There is a sentence, what have made me confused:
"Is your MSB DAC ready? If you have a Platinum DAC with a CAT-5 connector on the back, your Platinum is ready."
I definitely have CAT-5 connectors on back of Platinum.
Looking at the pictures in previous post, i think that the modular PCB in the back side (this with the two XTALS) is the MSB Network board. Perhaps the only you need is to mount a simple CAT-5 connector in your DAC and to connect with 3 cables to the module. I can't see a CAT-5 connector in your DAC. Later using the necessary cable (XLR to CAT-5) you could connect a source providing... what???? I could suppose that a source with AES/EBU output could drive the DAC through the MSB Network? I am not sure.
I think, I have misinterpreted the whole thing.
Now I reread that MSB network document, what you have mentioned above. If I understand it correctly now, it is a must, if you would like to feed a Platinum DAC's MSB Network input.
It is convert S/PDIF signal to proprietary MSB network signal.
Or, I can invent my own solution.
(No, I can't.) :)
I think the instaled PCB into the DAC is simply the interface to the external MSB Network device. The Network device ensures connectivity to PC, i think that MSB uses the Ethernet port of PC (or of Modem) instead the USB as they do other constructors. And i am sure that you know, that there are not native digital recordings (CDs, DVDs etc) in so high sampling rate. The only way is to use a media player like JRiver or FOOBAR which can convert the sampling rate or a PCM file to DSD etc.
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